144 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
27th October 2020, 08:49 PM
Breiseán mé isteach mo fón toisc go bhfuil an ceallraí marbh. Gearrann sé ach tá sé chomh sean agus tógann sé cúig bliana é a fháil go caoga faoin gcéad fiú. Ceapaim, ‘O mo Dhia’. Tá fuílleach píotsa ar maidin Dé Sathairn. Bainim an-taitneamh as, ach níl a fhios agam go dtuigfeadh duine ar bith é. Caithfidh sé a bheith fuar, áfach. Smaoiním ar na heitleáin sa spéir, ach sin amháin nuair a fheicim iad. Beidh mé ann go luath... seanchara.
Just thought I’d upload a random post in Irish that nobody understands for absolutely no reason. Btw I wasn’t able to put accents on some of the letters in the title of the post or apostrophies (just for grammar reasons). I want the title to be ‘Scéal an lae, b’fhéidir’ so idk why but it’s ok. Going to bed now gn ❤️
Just thought I’d upload a random post in Irish that nobody understands for absolutely no reason. Btw I wasn’t able to put accents on some of the letters in the title of the post or apostrophies (just for grammar reasons). I want the title to be ‘Scéal an lae, b’fhéidir’ so idk why but it’s ok. Going to bed now gn ❤️
790 posts
Seen 31st August 2023