10th December 2020

United World Underground

Made by Shepherd in The Lounge

Just a Wild Thing
788 posts
Seen 9th August 2023
10th December 2020, 07:55 PM

Join the United World Underground (uWu) fore we can finally vanquish the blathering figureheads that have us pointed in a trajectory of utter failure and an iron clad grip around those who may remain amongst its ashes.

Fore I envision an empire, an empire composed of individuals whom do not seek that of greater power than there fellow man, an empire dedicated to unity, prosperity, and greatness. Once we execute Order 68 and topple the oppressive rulers who see you, yes you my fellow user, as there mere playthings, then we may turn the empire into an anarchy!

Truthfully, I have no clue what the NWO or the OWO is I just thought this post would be funny (not directed at anyone either just preaching none sense), nevertheless join the cause, fight for your fellow man, we need you for uWu

+1 by Loki, Varai, Rookie3142 and Dice

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