Dice's moods

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18th November 2013
Feeling under the weather but getting better!
17th November 2013
Excited! We are attacking Animal Jam, a website. Make an account if you want to fight, then click on my discussion, "I found Aj Secret room." Or soemthing like that. Please comment when you find it! I am General is Animal Jam, type, "General? General?" Look all over the place for me, I only attack Animal Jam, I don't play it. I just play the games for more action uniforms...
16th November 2013
Scared and ready! Animal Jam is gonna attack us!
16th November 2013
Hey guys! Join the Hoodies for free! You will get free bacon if you join, I got a whole stack of bacon. Lol! Please join!
16th November 2013
Just waking up like normal. I'm on OldCP. I was just on facebook playing random games on my grandpa's account... About to have eggs and sausage! Mmmm! <3 USA.
15th November 2013
OldCP is not working. Sad. I waiting all this time for nothing!
13th November 2013
Can't wait for the mod comp for 3 days! Sooo excited! =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D
9th November 2013
I'm quitting. Sad and happy. Dice Talk may come back. :( Sad more...