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Ender Skippy
15th January 2015
I had another FNaF theory. Well you know how Foxy is made after Rolfe DeWolfe is supposedly what Scott made Foxy after. Well, Foxy has a hook where Rolfe had a puppet. Maybe the mangle originally had a puppet before it was torn up and that's why it has a second head endoskeleton! idk What it's puppet would look like but, maybe it originally held the cupcake at the new location and the cupcake was an animatronic back then. XD. jk about the cupcake. Anyways the second head does not contain the other eye since you can see it's other eye on the floor when it is pirates cove. So when it's still in pirates cove it actually has 3 eyes visible meaning that either that it has another animatronic's parts inside or, that it originally held something with a mouth that moved much like the original real life Foxy.
Ender Skippy
15th January 2015
I wish this item was added to OldCP. It looks exactly like my real life glasses. http://clubpenguin.wikia.com/wiki/Indie_Rocker_Glasses
Ender Skippy
15th January 2015
Wait... if the toy animatronics are in FNaF 2 then that means either we will be playing in another restaurant before or after the first game or... the toy ones are being brought over to the place from the first FNaF. Maybe since they were reopening they had them in the back still and were going to install them once they had the main show set up or something? If that's the case that would sort of explain why the puppet stares at you from the freddy suit from the first FNaF location even though in FNaF 2 the FNaf 1 pizzeria didn't exist yet. Maybe Scott had already had the idea for the 3rd game so he was giving us a hidden teaser!
Ender Skippy
14th January 2015
GUYS!!! I just brightened the pic up and found something! http://i.imgur.com/6lHOCwU.png Could this be the same thing from the first teasor?
Ender Skippy
14th January 2015
GUYS! I was checking Scott's official website like I do everyday to see if there is a new teaser for the next game and now this is the picture on the website! http://i.imgur.com/bXv1dMn.png I tried to reload my page to make sure I wasn't imagining or something but, now I can't get onto scottgames.com sadly. :(
Ender Skippy
13th January 2015
Just playing a single player world with no cheats where I left off last night. http://www.twitch.tv/enderskippy
Ender Skippy
13th January 2015
I was the 50th like in the first 7 minutes and 64th view and now 34 minutes have passed and the vid has 240 likes and over 301 views.
Ender Skippy
13th January 2015
No way, it's finally out! The Gmod FNaTI map with events. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=373105941
Ender Skippy
13th January 2015
The moment you realize the DSGHQ chat pic is the picture you drew for Damen a long time ago.
Ender Skippy
13th January 2015
The moment you realise the DSGHQ chat pic is the picture you drew for Damen a long time ago.
Ender Skippy
13th January 2015
I get into my MC world and for some reason H is wearing a kung fu outfit. http://i.imgur.com/AFgykpM.png
Ender Skippy
13th January 2015
lol. A mini version of the Rockafire Explosion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSXE2-5gRYk P. S. I like how it has the later Looney Bird design where instead of him being a drunk bird in an oil can he is a smart scientist. Also, can't wait for my B-day on Friday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l8uOnrJwYA
Ender Skippy
13th January 2015
lol. A mini version of the Rockafire Explosion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSXE2-5gRYk P. S. I like how it has the later Looney Bird design where instead of him being a drunk bird in an oil can he is a smart scientist. Also, can't wait for my B-day on Friday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l8uOnrJwYA (This is where the creator of them is testing them out after they were in a huge explosion were he was trying to get them to sing happy birthday to one of thier biggest fans.
Ender Skippy
13th January 2015
lol. A mini version of the Rockafire Explosion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSXE2-5gRYk P. S. I like how it has the later Looney Bird design where instead of him being a drunk bird in an oil can he is a smart scientist.
Ender Skippy
12th January 2015
I saw Foxy get into position on the cams I closed the left door and right before I closed the right he came in. XD http://i.imgur.com/njTjhe0.png Why can Foxy run both ways in Gmod WHY!?! WHYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! This is like the 500th time it's happened XD.
Ender Skippy
12th January 2015
One question how did Foxy still kill me even when both doors were closed plus the power was on. http://i.imgur.com/TmHIvcS.png
Ender Skippy
12th January 2015
I can't get FNaF to start so I'm just playing the GMod version. XD.