Ender Skippy's moods
Ender Skippy
18th April 2014
Sorry I was gone so long guys but, my power got knocked out. I just heard OldCP was shutdown. I'm glad because it will finally stop hackers but, at the same time I'm upset since it got to this point at all. I wish to be a beta tester for the new OldCP to make sure that for security purposes no hacker shall figure away around it. It is my favorite game and I will not stand to watch anyone evil or stupid enough to even try.
Ender Skippy
18th April 2014
I can't stop smiling. Even though I died I am not disappointed for I knew that was my fate. I died protecting OldCP like I've only dreamt of doing until today! Unfortunately Scarlet got away by doing a glitch. So Tennis and have decided to stop her from spreading evil. We need all the help we can get to defeat her. Be prepared to die in honor of protecting what you love. We will stop her so that OldCP will once again be safe.
Ender Skippy
18th April 2014
I can't stop smiling. Even though I died I am not disappointed for I knew that was my fate. I died protecting OldCP like I've only dreamt of doing until today! Unfortunately Scarlet got away by doing a glitch. So Tennis and have decided to stop her from spreading evil. We need all the help we can get to defeat her. Be prepared to die in honor of protecting what you love. We will stop her so that OldCP will once again be safe.
Ender Skippy
18th April 2014
I have been training and have basically mastered the use of firearms. I will keep training though until the last minute. If you would like to help me to practice go on to the snowball server. I will only use snowballs and no grenades so that I may practice my aiming.
Ender Skippy
18th April 2014
Who do you think will win the match tonight. Say t for tennis s for skippy p for pencil and r for Scarlet(since she used to be rover)
Ender Skippy
18th April 2014
Snowball server anyone? I need to practice some more to make sure I'm ready to crush my opponents. If you want me not t crush you and you want to help me instead say /js #partyon
Ender Skippy
18th April 2014
I am ready to crush my opponents tonight. I have trained very well but if I do not succeed I will not let Scarlet. For if she succeeds then OldCP's security will be gone and it will be a life of terror for the penguins who survive her attacks. Even if I die I would rather die knowing OldCP is safe than knowing it is not.
Ender Skippy
17th April 2014
Here's the most recentt pic of my brother that I have backed up on the computer. http://prntscr.com/3azxn4 (He was only four in it and now he's seven)
Ender Skippy
17th April 2014
Training even harder for the Warlord competition tomorrow. http://prntscr.com/3axt80
Ender Skippy
17th April 2014
A picture of my training for the WarLord Competition. http://prntscr.com/3avn86
Ender Skippy
16th April 2014
This just happened to me on the snowball server when someone killed me. Has this happened to anyone else? http://i.gyazo.com/85af91a63085fdd26373b91a7731fb79.png
Ender Skippy
16th April 2014
I have another sneak peak for you guys about the puffle party 2014 on newcp. We will be able to transform into the gold, dinosausr, cat, and dog puffles! Also there will be an Earth Day themed room at the Forest! Here's a sneak peak of the beach http://prntscr.com/3aj2gf Also on Flippr if you want to skip the quest just say !jr 861
Ender Skippy
16th April 2014
I have another sneak peak for you guys about the puffle party 2014 on newcp. We will be able to transform into the gold, dinosausr, cat, and dog puffles! Also there will be an Earth Day themed room at the Forest! Here's a sneak peak of the beach http://prntscr.com/3aj2gf
Ender Skippy
15th April 2014
Making a custom Clothing Catalog for FIreStorm. https://join.me/SkippyTheKnight