Preston's moods
12th January 2014
I just made a series, and worked hard on the first post, so please try to read it, just please...
12th January 2014
Beware my gun... (I can change if too voilent, it is just the lazer gun :l) Just tell me, at least!
11th January 2014
sammerah sent me something saying someone sent me a freaky meme, saying "MUSIC WILL SOMEDAY FIRE UP" and the bottom line, "MWHAHAHAHAHA" And it had a penguin using fire in card jitsu. She did not say who to me, so I still cant report this. I will need proof, first...
11th January 2014
I am in the fishing club, with no fishing rod. So, I am just mining...
11th January 2014
I am just stupid. I bought a snowball blaster, but I did not have enough gold for a fishing rod... (slaps face)