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Left Penguin3D
18th February 2022, 05:04 PM
Littlemix wrote on 18th February 2022, 12:21 PM:
We loved having you in the community:)
Posted in
Left Penguin3D
18th February 2022, 05:03 PM
Damen wrote on 18th February 2022, 04:17 PM:
Nooo Falcon! Keep visiting every now and then?
Posted in
Left Penguin3D
18th February 2022, 05:02 PM
TheComedian wrote on 18th February 2022, 12:25 PM:
we will miss you
Posted in
Left Penguin3D
18th February 2022, 11:10 AM
Hey everyone, i know some of you might've not seen me for a while. i left the game for 4 months now due to personal reasons but i didn't let anyone know that i left yet. btw if you want the cosmic amethyst armor set and a Elorion shirt it's a youtuber shirt that was in 2018 which is no longer available for a while. contact me in discord my tag is Falcon#5044
btw i moved to Roblox so the items listed above is gonna be a cross trade (don't know if it's allowed) but some moderators were ok with it.
btw i moved to Roblox so the items listed above is gonna be a cross trade (don't know if it's allowed) but some moderators were ok with it.
Posted in
Mysterious Skull
19th November 2021, 05:08 PM
Miro wrote on 19th November 2021, 02:54 PM:
Damen wrote on 19th November 2021, 02:39 PM:
Wait where is that?? What bridge?
Wait where is that?? What bridge?
Posted in
Mysterious Skull
19th November 2021, 05:07 PM
Damen wrote on 19th November 2021, 02:39 PM:
Wait where is that?? What bridge?
Posted in
Mysterious Skull
19th November 2021, 11:50 AM
Greetings, everyone so today, in ice cap i was exploring warrenwoundcaverns. so there's this glitch happened when some smokeless forest boys attacked me i rj right before they killed me and i still got killed. but didn't went into the void. so i went to a really dangerous place which is under the bridge on warrenwoundcaverns spawn. and i found out that i didn't die aswell in the spikes so i went beyond the spikes under the bridge, and i got shocked when i saw this.

The skull glows red most likely a evil skull or some sort.

The skull glows red most likely a evil skull or some sort.
Posted in
Establishment of Mineral Business
5th August 2021, 04:34 PM
Loki wrote on 5th August 2021, 01:26 AM:
This sounds like a great business! But instead of just accepting gold, it might be easier for you to maintain stock of different ores by allowing people to trade a certain amount of one ore for another. Then you don’t have to constantly mine for other ores. Unless you really just need gold for something.
Posted in
Establishment of Mineral Business
3rd August 2021, 11:28 AM
KiIIer wrote on 3rd August 2021, 11:23 AM:
will u sell space ore
Posted in
Establishment of Mineral Business
2nd August 2021, 11:42 PM
Dice wrote on 2nd August 2021, 06:40 PM:
great idea, falcon!
Posted in
Establishment of Mineral Business
2nd August 2021, 03:25 PM
Greetings, everyone i have made a business that you can buy ores for a price of gold nuggets, for instance a mithril ore will be priced 15 gold each. you must join the server if you want to know prices and purchasing ores in this company. here's the link to join the server for customer services.
I'm not hiring employees at the moment. once i have enough gold i'll start hiring employees for this business, and the employees will be payed gold for gathering minerals. and we price ores depending on how easy it is to get. also keep in mind this company is not a official Penguin3d business.
I'm not hiring employees at the moment. once i have enough gold i'll start hiring employees for this business, and the employees will be payed gold for gathering minerals. and we price ores depending on how easy it is to get. also keep in mind this company is not a official Penguin3d business.
Posted in
Mass revival for OldCPv16
26th April 2021, 07:43 PM
Greetings, everyone i have been wondering if all accounts that were dead for months, and years, can be automatically revived for this new OldCP. i know i have made a previous post regarding the mass revival in this link but Damen said "Only if Julian himself sacrificed himself could this happen!" why is Julianhak is the requirement for the mass revival before? i know it's the owner's decision rather to make revival happen or not it's just most of us lost our accounts due to being killed by cz characters and sometimes being spawn killed by a bot. i'm not begging for revival to happen, it's fine if the owner doesn't want revival to happen.
Posted in
Can mass revival happen on OldCP?
24th March 2021, 07:05 PM
Damen wrote on 23rd March 2021, 04:37 PM:
Only if Julian himself sacrificed himself could this happen!
Why does someone have to be sacrificed for this to happen? i don't wanna question, but is there a reason why someone has to be sacrificed is it a curse?
Posted in
Can mass revival happen on OldCP?
23rd March 2021, 04:15 PM
Hey everyone, today i was wondering if mass revival can really happen although not many users play OldCP anymore don't know what reason, but it's their decision.
it's been a while since most of our accounts been dead i know it's the creator's choice rather to make mass revival happen or not happen but some of us lost our main accounts due to being killed by specific users or bots unless they survived the attack, not even begging for mass revival to really happen but it'll be nice to see most of our accounts are restored.
it's been a while since most of our accounts been dead i know it's the creator's choice rather to make mass revival happen or not happen but some of us lost our main accounts due to being killed by specific users or bots unless they survived the attack, not even begging for mass revival to really happen but it'll be nice to see most of our accounts are restored.