156 posts
Posted in My life ( NOT COPYING! ) • 20th July 2014, 09:13 PM

Oh my gosh Indigo </3
Never feel this way okay?
I feel your pain, and I don't want to see you sad.
You deserve better, and when I read this I felt like my heart sank knowing the true story through your eyes.
If you EVER need someone, just come to me or your friends!

156 posts
Posted in The Kitten • 19th July 2014, 06:27 PM

Had to fangirl. HAD TO FANGIRL!!! -Christine7

P.S. This was very cute and intense, I like it! I'll hope to be hearing more from you soon.

156 posts
Posted in poem contest!!! • 2nd July 2014, 08:01 PM

If I had a choice, I wouldn't have ran.
If I wouldn't have ran, I could have been alive.
If I were alive, I would have had a better life.
If I I had a better life, I could of had a family.
Though this feeling is outrageous, it's quite contagious.
Through out the world, this feeling spreads, I hope it doesn't get too ahead.
(This was meant to be a depressing poem on how people run from their feelings, doubts, fears, and many other things but never get away, because of this their emotional state is dead and can cause problems in many ways, such as suicidal thoughts. This poem tells how not expressing yourself and letting a wall build up towards your feelings and thoughts can hurt you a lot.) I would have made a happy poem but MEH! ~Christine7 P.S. huehuehue

156 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 2nd July 2014, 06:43 PM

I loved your application! Like always, you've done good and improved! I'm so proud, keep it up buddy! +1

156 posts
Posted in Random Entertainment: Review • 2nd July 2014, 06:33 PM

Today I reviewed Shay Dawson.
That's pretty much it.
Here is how it went! (I gave her a PM, this is real and not fake)

Hey! I wanna do a review of random ppl I know for my daily discussion thing called Random Entertainment!
If you don't agree to do the review, I'll ask Indigo, and it's fine.

BUT, if you do agree...
here are the questions!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-What cat would you rather be? Glam cat; Fab cat; Pretty kitty; or Man cat?
-Do you have a dream name? If so what is it? (Mine is Cinphany BTW)
-If you had the chance to have 3 powers or abilities, what would they be? And, why?
Some not so serious questions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-If you were a unicorn, what would you barf other then rainbows?
-What color is your moneys?
-Can I has all your moneys?
-If you can dance on any random object of the following, SANDWHICH; ICE; FIRE; what would it be? ALSO, you will have to break dance like a boss on it C:

1.Fab Kitty
3.Flying and Teleporting because i like being able to see the world.
4. Glitter
5. Rainbow
6. Yes

156 posts
Posted in Comic • 2nd July 2014, 05:51 PM

OMG, this is so cute! (but funny) I wish to make a comic maybe, but I suck and I DON'T know how, sadly! I do like this though, and it deserves a like! ~Christine7
P.S. Wassup with that chicken?

156 posts
Posted in Stupid Boy and Emo Girl 4 • 2nd July 2014, 05:36 PM

ARUUUAAAGGGH *Unhuman noises* DANG ALL CLIFF HANGERS!!!! *table flip* I_____I
Well, this was entertaining and funny. Thanks for posting.

156 posts
Posted in Name Poem Accuracy • 2nd July 2014, 11:22 AM

Ermergersh. Dudes. There's this site called Name Poem Generator. LINK>>>
Anyways, I looked up two named and what they mean, and they got some pretty good stuff.
Like for example, Nikki and Diceey, their meanings were SO accurate.
N is for Nurturing, you bring out the good in people. :DING TRUE:
I is for Innocent, an unspoiled purity. :DING TRUE:
K is for Keen, an eager beaver. :???:
K is for Kind, generous to people. :DING TRUE:
I is for is for Illustrious, your accomplishments are many. :DING TRUE:

Scary accurate right?

D is for Distinguished, standing out in a crowd. :DING:
I is for Inquisitive, a seeker of answers. :DING:
C is for Cosmopolitan, well-versed in cultures. :???:
E is for Exciting, thrilling to be with. :DING:
E is for Effervescent, sparkling with life. :DING:
Y is for Yes, always believing in yourself. :DING: Scary accurate stuff....

156 posts
Posted in A deep dream/thought.. • 2nd July 2014, 10:20 AM

Well, I just had a VERY deep thought. A deep dream, even. All it took was one look at the time and my brain just started going all over, questions everywhere.
But one REALLY got me thinking, "how did one know what the true time is? how did they know if it was ever true?"
Then another deep thought came to me.
I wondered, "who's the genius with the beautiful mind who created our words of today?"
Have you ever had a deep dream or thought that got pushed away from reality, or just can't be told or explained?
I had a deep dream once.
(This is a VERY trippy dream, get comfy and eat some popcorn!)
BTW I turned this into a story LOL

My Dream;
I was having a hard time sleeping, it was a dim night. No sound nor light. I couldn't even hear my own breathes, it was that silent. I finally, though, drifted off to sleep.
It was blank, pitch black at first, like the night.
But then, I saw smoke and fog. Heavenly glows and flashes were everywhere.
And then suddenly, I saw clouds and I was being lifted up to, this is crazy but, Heaven.
I saw two bright lights. One was I believe God and Jesus. I saw, well, paradise.
It was absolutely beautiful of course, but I couldn't move. I wasn't uncomfortable, nor stiff, or aching. I had a warm and safe feeling and I could speak finally.
God only spoke, Jesus was just smiling. I asked them so, so, so many questions. Too many in fact, but they were all answered, even such silly ones. Though, this dream was absolutely wonderful... it had soon come to an end. Before I woke up the clouds were fading and they both said goodbye, and waved sadly. I saw a bright and blinding golden light come to the eye, and to be honest, I didn't want to leave.
Before I knew it, it was morning. There was a beautiful sky, a pastel baby blue and a few mixed colors with fading clouds. I woke up stunned and, not frightened but, amazed.
Though I prayed and wished for this dream to soon come again, I never had it again.
Though to this day, I still believe, though, that was a experience I would never have again. -The end

156 posts
Posted in Please.. • 2nd July 2014, 09:41 AM

You deserve a like! Also, here's a little something that always makes me laugh. ;D

156 posts
Posted in Please.. • 2nd July 2014, 09:33 AM

I shall pray for you, forever as shall I may! God bless you.

156 posts
Posted in Ermergersh! • 2nd July 2014, 09:28 AM

Yup. Fire is the man. And ice is the woman

156 posts
Posted in Ermergersh! • 2nd July 2014, 09:15 AM

Hallo people.
For the first time in forever, I have an actual good idea.
I've been thinking about it quite a lot lately and decided to speak up about it!
So, I was spending time with my mom, y'know a mother daughter bond? Anyways, I saw a sign and asked, "Mom, what in the world is 'Yin and Yang?'" then she replied it's a Chinese sign that looks like this...!

Awesome, right? Then, a few minutes later I replaced the light and shadow figure with fire and ice... can you picture it? And I thought it would be a perfect symbol for the victory of fire, and how we can over come our fears and defeat ice! So I'm making this a challenge, whoever can edit or draw that image replaced with fire on the top and ice on the bottom (ice where the shadow is and fire where light is) gets to take the credit and um... gets gold? I don't know, your choice! Please add details like a background image, ashes, snow and wind maybe an explosion? Get creative folks! The symbol of fire and ice awaits. It's in all your hands now. ~Christine7

156 posts
Posted in Questions • 2nd July 2014, 08:19 AM

Since Rawr, the genius in this operation, answered some of the logical and help questions....
I'll be answering your girl and forums questions!
I can and can't help you on some of the things...
There's a link for a cute penguin girl if ur interested.
and a few others also!
Yeah that's all LOL. You may want to edit the photos a bit or retouch them.
(The photos ARE from Newcp... I'm sorry but it was the only choice for now.)

156 posts
Posted in Can you see it? • 2nd July 2014, 07:45 AM

Am I a bat or something because I can't see it....
Maybe you should try it again.
Remember it's