0 subscribers


DSGHQ SnowServer- Snowball Battles Organization

DSGHQ SnowServer

DSGHQ SnowServer organizes Snowball Battles, both un-officially and [hopefully] officially approved. Due to the lack of major Snowball Battles on server Whiteout, it is usually empty. DSGHQ SnowServer is here to change that. Join by subscribing, Private Messaging me, or contacting me on on server Blizzard [account: SpringRain]. We offer SnowballServer classes, weekly battles, interviews, stories, and much more. To create an official Team that will be featured in the SnowServer Channel and posts, please Private Message me the following. Username [Leader] [Optional Co-Leader], Team Name, and most importantly, if you're a Moderator+, a promise to not use any commands to become invincible. Prizes will be given to the single person who wins [At least 100 gold and more], and a prize to the winning team as well [banners, gold to split, etc]. No requirements for participating, but to receive a gold prize, you must have forums, if you don't have forums, I will make you a free /jr room. Donations will be accepted, and if you donate your name gets put on the Channel. Artists, Advertisers, and Entertainers get payed 10-50 gold a week, with a bonus each month. You do not need to be a Member to participate in the Snowball Events.


All members have subscribed




-Toby H





-The Foxy













Events & News

The Final Snowdown: Whiteout Battle 8/28/15

The first official snowball battle is here! Everybody is welcomed.

What: Snowball Battle. Officially approved by Damen.

Where: Server Whiteout, starting at /office.

Who: Everybody is invited. Create your own teams or join somebody else's.

Why: The prize is 100 gold or more.

When: Friday, August 28th, 4:30 PM EST, 1:30 PM PST, & 8:30 PM GMT

Note: If any Administrators could put either a radio show on or help with globals, that would be much wanted. Here is the link to the discussion:

Winning Teams & Donations

Winning Teams:

Donations: The Foxy.