5th July 2014

forum moderator application

Made by Teskevon in Applications

1,694 posts
Seen 9th July 2022
5th July 2014, 03:54 PM

I wanted Damen to see this a while ago, but I think he was busy by then. I know I already made a discussion about this, but hardly anyone saw it. I also apologize if you aren't taking applications at the time. Here goes.

I would love to become forum moderator, because I have been inspired by many people in the community giving me advice, supporting me, and encouraging me for a bright future, and now, I've turned from one of the worst noobs in the CPPS community into one of the most wisest people in the community(and the funniest). These footsteps led me to in-game moderator. . I promise. I decided maybe I should take my trust to the next level, and serve as a proud forum moderator. I even go online Rile5, the main CPPS community forum(notice that I said CPPS, not OldCP), and I have been improving over there since I joined. I will savor Damen's power deep inside my heart forever, I will follow in his footsteps as well. I am already a trusted user, or a Master, so I think I would be a good option. I'll will stay active, I do have great grammar, I am nice, helpful, and loyal, and I will not abuse. I will use my powers for good purpose instead. I would like to carry on the legacy of OldCP legends into the next generation. I will not let you down, Damen. I think I deserve a third chance of getting moderator, despite the other two times were in-game moderator. I was an in-game moderator, so why shouldn't I be a forum moderator? Again, I am very active. VERY active. I do have, again, great grammar. I think I would be good as moderator because I make good decisions, I was in the council vote(but people ignored me to vote others and I got eliminated in the first round), I regularly post here and reply to others, like Archie. I would give 100% effort if I earned forum moderator, because I do not want to make a mistake, and just one blunder can affect your life in 1 second. I don't want that to happen, so I'll try my real best to be careful. After three weeks or so, I retrieved Master, and my reputation highly increased, thanks to my intelligence and my logic. This increases my confidence as I go, and it gives me a better chance to retrieve moderator on other related websites. I'm kind and helpful to our penguin buddies, I do not like drama or bullying, and when I take action, it's for a good reason. I've come to love this forum from the second I registered, and I came and went a couple times, but for now, I hope to stay for a long time-span! I want the kids on here to feel safe, and I am really experienced on this forum, and I was one of the few(or medium-sized handful)people to join in late August, about the time of the forum's opening. I also encourage younger kids (kids from kindergarten through 2nd - 3rd grade) at my school, too, so I think this job is the right one for me. Again, I am very loyal to other users in the community.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, it would be a miracle if you could consider me for forum moderator.

Hoping for the best. Bye for now!


here's an old image I have

709 posts
Seen 16th June 2020
7th July 2014, 02:08 PM

I think you should stick with applying for one job at a time. But good job anyways! ;)

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