10th October 2014

Forum Moderator Application

Made by LiveToDance in Applications

745 posts
Seen 29th August 2020
10th October 2014, 12:26 PM


And today I will be applying for the rank of Forums Moderator. I know it may be a long-shot to receive this position, let alone that there are many other choices for staff. But I believe
I am experienced enough for this position, so let me begin explaining why I should obtain the rank in this discussion.

Username: LiveToDance

Age: 13 (Turning 14 in November)

Rank History: OldCP Moderator, Snaildom Moderator, DSGHQ XAT Chat Moderator, DSGHQ Forums Master

Why I Deserve Moderator:

To start with, I believe I am ready for this rank for multiple reasons. And because I think I have come quite far with my journey in this community. I have grasped a-hold of a few rankings, which have taught me many things along the way. So I am very capable of handling situations due to my past experiences such as Moderating Snaildom (Current) and OldCP.biz (previously). Another point of mine as to why I want this job is to protect each user. I realize that there are already many staff members on the DSGHQ, but at times, there may be a situation that can not be handled if others are busy, or if no other Moderator/Administrator is online. If I obtain this rank, I promise to stay humble, and stay focused on my job. I am determined to help the community in any way possible, and I assure you, I would never abuse powers, as to locking discussions, banning players, and so on when not needed. But one thing that I will promise to do, is to guide the DSGHQ in the correct way to success. I plan on working hard to achieve this position, and if I stumble, I will get back up. Many users believe that Moderator is just for the fame, or popularity that you will get once you have certain abilities, but let me inform you, it is not in my eyes. What I really want Moderator for is to protect each member of the DSGHQ, welcome new-comers to the community, and keep the game running smoothly without any trouble, drama or rule-breakers coming in the way. I know that it may seem as if we already have this community in top shape, but I believe with a few more hands, we can improve it even more. And that is why I personally think I deserve this position.

My Experience:

My experience in this community has gone from low to high at certain times, but I have obtained many ranks along the way. Including OldCP.biz Moderator, Snaildom Moderator, DSGHQ XAT Chat Moderator, and DSGHQ Forums Master. And in this case, I have learned several things from moderating, so I can handle multiple situations, such as users swearing, causing drama, and going against other rules as well. In addition, I have also become a Beta Tester for Snaildom before it released, and due to that, I have become more aware of my surroundings. (Not that this includes another rank.) But I feel as if I am ready for Moderator, because I want to protect this community and do everything I could to help it keep up. Because if you don't make the right decisions while doing your job, it could cause something terrible, and could lead into demotion, which I am aware of. But even with that risk, I think I am up for the challenge of this rank because I have had the experience which has built me to where I am now, and I have the knowledge to comprehend each situation that comes my way.

What I Must Do:

-If I obtain this rank, I promise to do the following things while I spend my time as a staff member-

• Be wise with my decisions
• Serve with respect, and honor my rank
• Use my Powers only in Situations needed
• Protect the Community under all circumstances
• Not slack off (which may lead into my demotion)
• Be aware of all things happening in the DSGHQ


I thank you for taking a look at my Forum Moderator application, because I would appreciate to see your thoughts in the below comments on how I have done. But the above statements are the reasons
why I think I am up for this challenge. And just know, that I promise to serve everyone with respect and gratitude while in this community. So once again, thank you.


+1 by Gamer

2,048 posts
Seen 28th August 2023
10th October 2014, 12:57 PM

Excellent Forum Moderator Application.

The Great
3,983 posts
Seen 10th September 2020
10th October 2014, 12:59 PM

Amazing application, I hope to see you on our team.

+1 by Gamer

cool guy
1,696 posts
Seen 28th July 2022
10th October 2014, 01:08 PM

Excellent App! You will definetly be a Mod ;) .

14 posts
Seen 25th January 2015
11th October 2014, 03:20 AM

These kids need a lenient, laid-back mod that won't ban you for saying "ass" one time (example).

I always had beef with moderators, I known some laid-back though

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