8th November 2013

To Newbies

Made by Izzy in Cool Stuff

691 posts
Seen 7th May 2015
8th November 2013, 03:24 AM

Hello New Players!

I would like you to enjoy the game. If you're in the game, first you will do is to type: /addall (To add items) Go to your inventory and check. What is credits? It's important if you want to buy to Extra Store. How do I earn credits? Maybe you can join competitions. Or sign up on the Fourms with correct answers. Then rank up, not rank down. You need to email a Staff and get their email on their profile. (Make sure you have your right email!) Then if you're a member, every 50 posts=100 credits!;) Well enjoy your credits. Remember to earn it!
1. Do not spam.
2. Do not use adult language (Bad Language).
3. Respect everyone and Staff Members.
4. Obey the judgement of Staff Members.
5. Do not bully.
6. Do not threat everyone.

Fourm Rules:
1. Do not spam.
2. Do not double post.
3. Do not post less than 2 words.
4. Do not make pointless posts like "Thanks, you're welcome."
5. Do not try 3rd party programs to this website.
6. Do not use 2 accounts.
7. Do not use foul language in signatures, moods, about me, nicknames, posts, discussions etc.
8. Do not hate.

I hope you're following the Rules! And no cursing, cussing and asking for higher position.

+1 by Asq5
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GIFs/Signatures Credited to Polarmanax

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