7th December 2013

How you get a signature :l

Made by Icedragon The Myth in Cool Stuff

693 posts
Seen 26th November 2014
7th December 2013, 04:26 PM

Ok, if you want a signature follow these steps : BTW Please read the whole thing of one section for the signature or you'll fail to get one.
1. For words go to cooltext.com
2. On cooltext.com , select a pattern.
3. Then type in what you want and select a color.
4. Upload it.
5. Get HTML Code (make an account first if needed)
6. Get on Forum Edit Profile
7. On signature put in the site of the logo with make sure you have the site Inbetween them

Now if you want a picture signature there is many ways. Follow these steps First Doodle xat :
1. On xat get on doodle.
2. Make a drawing.
3. Upload it on your COMPUTER.
4. Go to tinypic.com
5. Click select a file.
7. Select the doodle drawing file.
8. go to edit profle and put in the site with

Now heres the other way to get it. Clubpenguincutouts. Follow steps below:
1. Go to Clubpenguincutouts.com
2. Pick any kind of section of cutouts and select one.
3. Select one and download it as a file.
4. If you want to edit it go to paint or something but make sure the picture is there.
5. Edit it.
6. Go to tinypic.com and select a file.
7. Upload the file that you edited.
8. Go to Edit Profile on Forum and put the site in with

Thats how you make a signature(s) If you still don't understand ask me to make you one! :D Waddle on ~ Icedragon

+1 by PenguinDSC

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