9th December 2013

7 reasons 4 mod and why (PI)

Made by RoyalStar in Penguin Isles

194 posts
9th December 2013, 05:34 PM

Hey guys! I'm getting bored, so sense Damen is making this moderator application thing, why don't we give him reasons why we wanna be moderator? Here is mine : 1) I do talk to friends, but I am always watching (I am alert)
2) I make sure I get the notice to a moderator if something had is happening (I make sure that the rule breakers are gone)
3) I can tell the most hardest usernames (I can bust people who try to do bad things and think they get away with it)
4) I like to help users who need it (I make sure that they have questions answered so they understand)
5) When I listen to a story/report, I make sure it makes sense and I have enough proof to ban the user. (I am fair, and make sure that the right penguin is banned)
6) When a penguin is being bullied, I will handle the bully and make friends with the victim. (I make sure not only the bully is out of sight, but the user has a friend as well)
7) I do not ignore all players talking at once, I make sure I get through them one by one. ( I am Patient, and eager to help the users

+1 by Ghost and Preston
made by Music :).
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie :).
By ThePast

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