23rd December 2013

The Lawrence HQ

Made by Preston in The Lounge

1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
23rd December 2013, 01:53 PM

Hello everyone. I am deciding to make one of my own shows, called The Lawrence HQ. People are doing them, so I thought of doing my own. It is just going to be some fun information!

Today I went on Club Penguin, on the server Sleet. I was going to find Dice on club penguin, since he wanted to throw a bit of a party. I went to the town, and someone hit my eye. His name was Mr G O L D and was in Rockhopper's costume, even his player card was like Rockhopper. I was going to report him, but I decided not to. A couple of people were crowding him, but not much. I tried to ask him how he did it, but he did not respond. I was quite upset, but did not care because he was probably getting banned. I secretly met up with him in the boiler room, tried talking to him, but he never told my how he was Rockhopper.

NOTE: This is not a lie, but I still have no proof.

Well, comment on how you think of this, and I will continue! Probably going to interview people soon. Have a nice day!

PS. I am going to make a couple logos, I already know what to do for one of them.

+1 by x and Dice

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
23rd December 2013, 02:36 PM

This is a good one! +1! Keep doing it!

+1 by Preston

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