23rd December 2013

The Lawrence HQ- 1st Interview

Made by Preston in The Lounge

1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
23rd December 2013, 07:47 PM

Hello, and welcome to the 2nd awrence HQ! Well, today I have an interview with Moshi:


How have you enjoyed the forum so far?

Are you excited for Penguin Isles?

Do you like being a master?

Do you believe you will be a mod some day?

Would you be kind, generous, and polite when a user needs this support?

Do you ever break the rules?


1. Yes, I have enjoyed my stay at forums! I love all the great people and moderators and admins!

2. Yes I am SUPER excited! I hope that it will make me wanna come on all the time!

3. Yes, I love being master I enjoy the title and enjoy being a role model and helping others! It's a great feeling!

4. Yes, I believe I could be a moderator some day! I feel that if I keep doing what I am doing my dream can be soon ahead!

5. Yes, When first became a master everyone came to me for help they ask me all kinds of questions I had all kinds of answers! It was truly fun!

6. Nope, I have never broke a rule well I has hacked once and my hacker (my sister) got me a warning for hacking! So I guess I never broke a rule!

Well, I hope you like it! And the 3rd one will be after Christmas eve + day, cuz I will be too tired then. XD

NOTE: If you want to get interviewed, just Private mail me and I will give you questions!

Have a Merry Christmas!

+1 by Moshi

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