23rd December 2013

Bad Users...

Made by PenguinDSC in The Lounge

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2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
23rd December 2013, 08:14 PM

Hey guys, PenguinDSC here.

I have seen many bad, bad users around... Lately...

Many have caused Drama.

Drama is one of the worst things to do, and can cause great distress. People get mad, and there are fights.

Drama is stated as a rule. Don't hate, don't be rude to one another, do not dislike someone very much. It is also when you keep something going ON PURPOSE to get attention.

Many users want attention because people don't see them as "noticeable".

So many users cause drama, or make themselves easy to notice by doing something everyone sees. Usually it will be by breaking a rule so people will know them. Many people cause drama like this.

Bad Discussions

Many people make bad discussions.

Whether they make it pointless, or don't put it in the right place, or they say something as the title, and the text is not relevant to the title.

I have seen many users just ignoring the rules, ignoring them...

Sometimes people ignore the rules on purpose,and some people just don't read them and don't care. They don't care if their posts or discussions are following the posting rules, and it is a Rule. If you break a rule, you are pretty much an outlaw.

If it was on accident, or not knowing it was a rule for one time and not breaking that rule again, I would understand, but doing it more than once on purpose... no, it is a rule because it is bad.

I see many bad users, and users who disrespect the rules. I have seen lots of bad things happening in the last few days. It is getting worse, and sometimes it goes down, but then in a day or two, drama and rule breaking gets the best of this forum.

Moral Of The Story: Never Be Bad On Purpose, and Follow the Rules. Read The Rules and Understand Them. If you do not know what they mean, then ask someone who knows the forum, because when not knowing the rules, even though you bothered not to ask someone, it is being lazy. That is showing you are careless about the rules. Don't be a careless person, and ask for help, because then you are being RESPONSIBLE, and you will get known more for being GOOD, not BAD. When being a good user, you can be having HOPE, and you can hope for good things if you are good. f you are Bad then you will be known as the person who will have no hope, the person who will never be a Moderator, the person who has no care for anything. Wouldn't you rather be GOOD? Being good means you get a Benefit, and you can hope. If you are Bad, then no hope will ever become, because you are causing drama and bad things to happen, and you are un-trusted.

Basically, the true moral of this is to always be good, and try to be better, and if you wait long enough, and be good, even great and nice and respectful and a rule-follower, then something awesome will happen to you because you are very trusted, and helpful, and you follow the rules. You will be known better as GOOD than
Bad. And the truth is, good benefits you, and why be not good? Being good is all you should ever be. You were made good, and should stay good.

Thank you for reading,

Dream On!

+1 by Lemons, TikiLiki, vella, Dice and 3 others

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
23rd December 2013, 08:40 PM

Good post! This needs a lke! +1

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