23rd December 2013
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What My Family Got For Christmas

Made by Preston in The Lounge

1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
23rd December 2013, 09:28 PM

Hello everyone. I jus wanted to tell a story about what happened in my house:

On Friday, my stomach did not feel good. I went in the kitchen, feeling like I was gonna throw up. I told my babysitter I want to go to my room, and that's what I did. I ran for my bed, and went under the covers. I just layed there for a couple of seconds, then my mom came in. She turned the TV on for me, so I can at least be a little entertained. At noon, I was still in my bed, lying down. Then, I felt a bit nocuous, and threw up all over my bed and rug. I went out of my room, and told my baby sitter. My cleaning lady was over, so she cleaned it when I was washing of in my shower. I felt better, but was sick for the entire day...

On Saturday, I was still sick. Then, my sisters got sick. They went to the doctor, but they did not catch my cold. They laid down for that day, and yes, threw up like me...

On Sunday, I felt better but my sisters were still sick. My mom took care of us, when I just chilled and my sisters laid down. I was very happy I was not sick anymore, but I can still catch my sisters cold, since it is not the same one...

The same day, I was going to New York City. My sisters were sick, but my mom thought they would be fine. We stayed there for quite a while. On the ride home, my sisters were sleeping. One of them was on my grandmas lap, on the boat. The boat got rocky, one started gagging, when the other one threw up on my grandma...

One Monday, my grandma called my house. My mom picked it up, listened, and hung up. She said that she caught the cold also...

Well, my family is still sick, and I do not want Christmas to be ruined. One thing I want for Christmas is this sickness to go away. Please wish me luck! :(

PS. I know this is a bit gross, excuse me for that... ^_^

1,248 posts
Seen 27th June 2022
23rd December 2013, 09:36 PM

Hey, that's odd. My family is sick too. My brother's are pretty much better but my sister's aren't dong so well and my mom and dad are sick. I haven't got sick yet but I have a feeling I'll be sick for Christmas....

Anyway, I hope your family gets better soon!:)

+1 by Preston
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