23rd December 2013

Dice Talk- Listen to Damen

Made by Dice in The Lounge

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
23rd December 2013, 11:04 PM

Listen to Damen. Ending because this is so long: Well, Dice Talk is over! Bye!!!

I'm addressing you on the matter of today's updates. EVERYTHING has been completed apart from artworks and other visual content. The back-scene code, like systems and server code is finished and ready for testing and bug finding. (No bugs are in the game right now).

Until the beta, me and my friend will be designing the artworks like Wearable Items, wearable objects (incl weapons and fishing rods), islands, objects etc...

Feature List (i might have missed some)
- Chat (Implemented today - no glitches)
- Inventory Menu - Includes EQUIP and DEQUIP
- All item types can be loaded into
- Objects (weapons)
- Faction Menu
- Friend Menu
- Block Player & Unblock Player
- Kick & Ban
- Ranks (King, Queen, Moderator, Admin, Blackhawk/Hacker, Kingdom Citizen)
- Player Colors
- Moving around dynamic scene
- Multiplayer Syncing around dynamic scene
- Scenarios for pre-built worlds
- Island Builder with 1000px Width, 900px Height for content.
- About 13 test Objects to decorate islands with
- Snowball Throwing
- Snowblaster Blasting
- Multiplayer Snowball Match Including Times and 2 teams
- Multiplayer Snowball Match Maps (6) & Respawn interface
- Interactive objects (Like wish-wells, wisdom stones) in cities and camps.
- Player Journals (Private & Public) including tools
- Interface for Snowball Matches, Chat, Journals, Player List, Login etc...
- Widgets for visual display enhancement
- Alert interface
- Friend Requests & Accept Requests
- Remove Friends Feature
- Dynamic World Objects with Attribute Editor (e.g. Message signs)
- Badges
- Earnable Badges and Factions
- Dynamic Tool-TIps
- Land marks
- Way pointers
- Story lines!
- Gameplay Timer & Quit Interface
- Navigational Abilities and leave-able zones
- Island Builder with Objects View and VISUAL Dynamic Scene interaction.

To Do:
- Fishing System
- Artwork for Clothing & Armor etc..
- Creation of Islands except Mainland and Dull Rock.
- Creation of more custom objects for custom islands
- The castle and throne!
- Beta Testing

Hope you enjoyed the features and look forward to experiencing them!

If you have any ideas please comment, or any questions feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them asap.

Remember, to apply for a beta spot if you haven't so you can help debug stuff and be in the PI legends.

~Damen Spike from DamenSpike Games HQ!

2,542 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
24th December 2013, 12:44 AM

Aww dice talks over :(

2,338 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th December 2013, 12:55 AM

Wait.. I thought damen was doing this by himself.. okay congratz I guess.. good luck. You will need it.

+1 by Gaf


1,856 posts
Seen 27th July 2015
24th December 2013, 02:16 AM

Your doing all this? At the age of 8!!!!

+1 by Kara
Hey Hey Hey! Whats shakin' bacon'?

810 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th December 2013, 10:12 AM

Guys,he just copied and pasted from one of Damien's discussion.

+1 by Dice
Kara, Olivia, Tessa, Olivia, Adam, Olivia, Olivia

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th December 2013, 10:48 AM

Guys,he just copied and pasted from one of Damien's discussion.
Yep! I did that.

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
24th December 2013, 10:49 AM

Aww dice talks over :(
No, no, no... Over for the day! Not over forever!

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