26th December 2013

For penguins that are new on...

Made by Jazz100 in Help and Support

7 posts
26th December 2013, 05:14 AM

Hi Penguins
Today i am going to show you a tour about Rsnail.biz
Here are the commands:
/scale (number) Grows you bigger
/blend (the blend i know are Invert and difference) Changes u in to a different colour's
These are the command i know
for more ask someone else
2.How to be a mod?
To be a mod you need to be very helpful,like telling the command's,you need to respect the rules,also you need to have a small name
For admin idk how to be

Waddle on

+1 by Snev

2,224 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
26th December 2013, 07:33 AM

For admin you need to do the same as what you have to get mod ,but 2X Bigger. You need to be mod before you get admin. +1 this will help users

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