26th December 2013


Made by Scott in The Lounge

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
26th December 2013, 07:45 PM

Hello everyone, have you ever been bullied or hurt in anyway possible. Well I have and I understand what it feels like. Bullying is a strong word to many people around the world. Bullying is caused everyday at school, on the internet, at home and much more places. Sometime's bullying can lead to cutting, depression, thoughts in your mind that is from past events. Have you ever stopped and thought what causes bullying or why am I bullying or maybe even why am I getting bullied. There is many reasons for bullying, but it all can be prevented.

What causes bullying? Bullying can be caused by many things such as your past life events, skin color, maybe even how you look. There is many more causes of bullying but many can be solved.

How can you solve bullying? You can solve this be reporting it to an adult or even a friend, teacher or family member. Tell them what is happening and who is bullying you. If it is online bullying then tell your parents they should contact the police. You may be able to tell the bully to stop and tell him how you feel this may make him feel like a jerk so he may eventually stop.

Now I would love for you guys to tell me if you can relate to this message, or if you have been bullied before you can feel free to share how you solved your situation.

*If you want you may fill out this "forum"*

* Have you ever been bullied? ________________

* How did you solve your problem? _______________

* Have you ever helped anyone else when they had gotten bullied? _______________

* Have YOU ever bullied?______________

* Have you ever regretted bullying? ______________

I hope you enjoyed this post, and if your a bully I hope this made you change your ways.

Kind Regards, ~Sadie :)

+1 by x, Tacofun, Notacoolman, TikiLiki and 5 others
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

956 posts
Seen 27th August 2023
26th December 2013, 07:50 PM

* Have you ever been bullied? Yes people called me glasses boy

* How did you solve your problem? My friend came and said so what if he has glasses. Don't make fun of him

* Have you ever helped anyone else when they had gotten bullied? Yes, some called my friend short pants cause he was short and I said don't be mean to Thomas

* Have YOU ever bullied? Well... Only once i called someone a cry baby 10 days ago cause they always cry for no reason.

* Have you ever regretted bullying? Yes

+1 by Scott

919 posts
Seen 2nd March 2016
26th December 2013, 07:51 PM

* Have you ever been bullied? Yes I have online and In real life because what I look like and how I sound like.

* How did you solve your problem? In online its on games and I report them and toke pics of them bullying me and show them to a moderator or the owner.In real life I just ignore them,but sometimes it still continues.

* Have you ever helped anyone else when they had gotten bullied? In online yes,In real life yes.

* Have YOU ever bullied? I never did.

* Have you ever regretted bullying? I never bullied anyone on online and in real life

+1 by Scott

1,433 posts
Seen 22nd October 2015
26th December 2013, 07:51 PM

yes i have been bullied.
i solved it by simply showing the bully that i wasn't afraid of him
yes i helped someone when they got bullied
well yes,and no. yes i bullied. no because i got bullied first so i was technically just paying the bully back (that was before i learned not to be mean no matter what)
yes i have regretted bullying.
and great post! +1

+1 by Scott

1,007 posts
Seen 5th October 2015
26th December 2013, 07:51 PM

This is a great post to stop bullying, and advice to help bullying, great job Sadie!

+1 by Scott and Notacoolman
I'm Tacofun. Hi!

This signature was made by Jon c:

This signature was made by cheep!

We will never forget you Oldcp!

810 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
26th December 2013, 07:52 PM

Have you ever been bullied? ________________Yes

* How did you solve your problem? _______________I told a trusted teacher/adult.

* Have you ever helped anyone else when they had gotten bullied? _______________Yes,I told them to never lose control and to tell a grown up.

* Have YOU ever bullied?______________No,and I never will.

* Have you ever regretted bullying? ______________

+1 by Scott
Kara, Olivia, Tessa, Olivia, Adam, Olivia, Olivia

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
26th December 2013, 07:54 PM

Thank you, for your comments they are truly amazing! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Keep it going guys your all so brilliant!

+1 by x and Notacoolman
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

148 posts
Seen 25th March 2015
26th December 2013, 07:55 PM

Hi its me khalfan,

* Have you ever been bullied? yes i have

* How did you solve your problem: i told and adult and ignored that person and didn't show her any of my emotions

* Have you ever helped anyone else when they had gotten yes i have

* Have You ever bullied : no i haven't and don't plan on doing so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


+1 by Tacofun, Scott and x

1,433 posts
Seen 22nd October 2015
26th December 2013, 07:57 PM

Thank you, for your comments they are truly amazing! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Keep it going guys your all so brilliant!
yes. yes we are brilliant indeed.

+1 by Scott

230 posts
Seen 20th January 2019
26th December 2013, 07:59 PM

Lovely post. I'm glad to see someone stand up.

+1 by Scott, x, Notacoolman and Sunset
^from amandapink
sophie & i: drawn by kind, colored by me

617 posts
Seen 18th October 2015
26th December 2013, 09:03 PM

* Have you ever been bullied * Yes,they make fun of me for having depression issues or getting a low grade.
* How did you solve your problem * I didn't..
* Have you helped someone when they were getting bullied * I have tried,but I just end up getting beat in the end,too.
* Have YOU ever bullied * I only do what I was tought. "Treat others the way you wanna be treated."*
* Have you ever regretted bullying * Yes,it just gets me beat up more.

~the greatest casualty is being forgotten.~

+1 by Scott
insert signature here

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