29th December 2013

Drama an "Issue"

Made by Templar in The Lounge

3,203 posts
Seen 20th February 2020
29th December 2013, 12:53 PM


What is drama? Can I feel it? Can I see it? Can I hear it? Yes! Yes! Yes! You can do all of those thongs with drama. But what exactly does drama do?

Drama can be funny,
Drama can be serious,
Drama can be sad,
But drama can also be mean.

Drama can't always be nice. Sometimes it upsets you. But the point I am making is that WITHOUT drama, our forums is practically boring.

Don't tell me you haven't gone "Ooo, drama!" before! Even mean drama can be INTERESTING for others. But it is upsetting for the victims.

Without drama, our life would be boring... no fights... no arguments... total agreement.

There are people exaggerating... saying they want drama to end forever... but do they really..?

+1 by Preston

2,721 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
29th December 2013, 02:10 PM

Arguments aren't what I would call 'exciting'. I don't like drama, and I'm not exaggerating.

Some friends
Raindrop, Tennis, Abu, Sadie, Toby, Chelsey, Hashir, Kara, Damen, Bailey
I am that prince which you probably know from the DSGHQ! I'm obsessed with Jaffa Cakes and Stags!

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