30th December 2013

Sheep Talk

Made by Sheepy in The Lounge

127 posts
Seen 9th June 2015
30th December 2013, 08:56 AM

Hello this is Sheep Talk with your host Sheep! On Sheep talk we have Todays Topic, Player of the Day, Post of the Day, Moderator of the Day , Just general News, This weeks Trend, PenguinIsles, Snailschat and Much Much More! Ok lets get on with the News!
Todays Topic
Todays Topic is going to be without a doubt PenguinIsles! Don't forget to sign up for beta in PenguinIsles or you could miss out on all the fun. The deadline for signup is New Years Day and the beta will be on January 4th 2014 and don't forget to thank Damen!
Player of the Day
....And the player of the day is iSnail! He shows great character and is active! For a chance to be player of the day follow all the rules and respect players!
Post of the Day
And the post of the day is The Penguin Isles Beta Signup it has the most replys currently and is made by the owner of Snailschat, Oldcp and PenguinIsles!
Moderator of the Day
The moderator of the day is Sadie who was earlier mentioned on Dice Talk. For all the time I have known Sadie she has been respectful happy and helpful!
General News
The release of PenguinIsles is January 4th 2014 and the Deadline for Signup is News Years Day!
There are new signature shops so if you need a signature go to the Rainbow Text Shop!
Also sign up for your chance to win a 6 month membership! Deadline is in two days!
This Weeks Trend
And this weeks trend is PenguinIsles it has been getting the most attention due to being the newest addition to Damen Spikes Games and because it will be beta!
Snailschat is coming back for a bit so for those of you who used to pay and want to go back for memories now is your chance!
And that is Todays Sheep Talk Thankyou for reading have a good day!

+1 by ForumHelper and Blueboy

1,175 posts
Seen 6th March 2016
30th December 2013, 09:51 AM

Sadie is not a Moderator anymore sheep.

Moderator of Forum.
Former Moderator of Oldcp.
Best Friends. Damen,Frozo,Sadie,Kara,May,PenguinDSC,CPManiac,Key123,Frogs,Tacofun,
Moshi,Pickle.and everyone else

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
30th December 2013, 10:25 AM

Awesome talk show! I made Dice Talk. (3 months ago). Wanna check it out in 10 minutes?

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