31st December 2013

Dice Talk- Happy New Years!

Made by Dice in The Lounge

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st December 2013, 07:45 PM

Hello everyone! Dice here for a dicey New Year!
It's that time of year! The New Year! In about 5 hours for me, it'll be January 1st!!!
More Talks:
I'm gonna make a comic called "Club DamenSpike". I will have the offical picture of Damen Spike on the front page. It will take me about 2 months. Because it's hard work, some don't understand. I will tell my mother to take a picture of every page, and I can post it on here. It's gonna be so fun!!!
More, more Talks:
Penguin Isles story. Here are Chapters 3-5.
Penguin Isles - Chapter Three, Gold.

— The Explorers —
1. James Hanley (Died. Brown)
2. Harriot Hanley (Wife of James, original name was Harriot Castlefield. Brown)
3. Pixie (Youngest Explorer. Pink)
4. Reldo (Builder, good at making structures and statues out of snow & ice. Blue).
5. Henchy (Fattest explorer, good and fighting and making things out of metal. Gray).
6. Bonnie (Clever student, used to study English and was quite rich. Light Blue).

— Chapter Two —
Guards came with the captain Corté to find the Explorers. They found James and executed him, they kept the others there to hopefully starve. Pixie found Harriet’s egg in their village, it was opened then they saw the little penguin.

— Chapter Three Begins —

Harriet was overwhelmed when she found her son. Bonnie and Reldo went out immediately to catch fish to feed the baby, Henchy made some rods for them out of sticks and grass rope. As years passed, the baby was healthy and very energetic. Pixie had spoken to Harriet about what James said to her about calling the baby Spike, Harriet decided the best thing to do was mix both of the names calling him Damen Spike Hanley. Reldo, with some assistance built big snow houses, igloos, and even statues in the village Damen was born in. They even spent a while making a play castle for the baby. They had made quite a fun small city for the 6 of them so they eventually came to decide to name the city after the royal family of Birdlings, Hanley.

When Damen was 6 years old, Pixie and Bonnie got married in their snow church. Reldo accidentally had not made the roof very secure so all the snow toppled onto them in the middle of the wedding. Bonnie and Pixie had a child when Damen became 7, they named it Bobby. Their city became very wealthy, and they had many fish because the sea was fresh. They often traded fish with travellers on the nearby seas. They were earning lots of gold from their trade. They became so wealthy that Birdlings began hearing about sailors who had been near the isles to collect fish and supplies. Corté and Hasper Hanley were getting annoyed by it, but they didn’t do anything to stop them.

By the time Damen was 9 and Bobby was 2, the city of Birdlings lost it’s leader Hasper because of sickness. After that Corté and the Guard took over ruling the city but they became very poor and many penguins were dying of no food and disease. Corté needed help, but nobody around them wanted to help the city since Hasper used to be very cruel to the surrounding settlements and merchants. Back on the isles, ships sailed to the shore of the mainland near the north camps where James had died. At first, Reldo and Henchy thought they wanted fish, but they noticed they were Birdlings ships. Two helicopters landed on the shore, and when this happened they all hid in the trees. Corté used a megaphone to tell them they weren’t going to attack them, they just needed fish and gold in exchange for helicopters and one of their ships.

All 8 penguins which included the children were brought up to the north where they were to address them. Corté and the guards looked older and very weak, so Harriet let them be fed. They gave 1000 gold and 30 crates of fish for Ships and Helicopters. Harriet didn’t want to talk to Corté, but she wanted her to pay. Harriet ordered that Corté and some guards must stay and live with them on the island if she is to be forgiven. They agreed and went back without Corté and about 40 guards. When the remaining guards arrived at Birdlings, they found the entire city was destroyed. A nearby city had attacked them when they had no guards, they were sworn enemies of Hasper and hated the crown of Birdlings. The remaining Birdling guards were taken hostage and became slaves, Birdlings was never seen again and all talk of the countries beyond the Penguin Isles fell out of this story forever.

A year later, the population had increased due to children being born on the Isles. Corté had fallen in love with Reldo and they had several children. They had one girl and one boy, the girl was called Star and the boy was called Rover. Life was merry on the isles, until Harriet fell sick. When this happened, Damen who was 20, Henchy, Bonnie and Bobby went on a mission to see what was on the island they could see from shore. They had never travelled there before in their entire time being on the isle because Harriet (their now self proclaimed Queen) ordered everyone to remain on the Mainland (it’s name became Mainland instead of just Island). When they pulled to the shore of the island, they could see the mainland behind them. It was huge! The island they were on was shaped like a telephone with the pointy bits facing away from home.

They went in a group and explored for a while but found nothing. Most of the island was just bumpy hills of snow, and a woodland along the far side. After some time, they split up. Bonnie was alone walking through the back woods. He day dreamed as he walked all until he noticed that he could see the sea. There was another island that looked bigger than that one, but it looked quite rocky and not very nice. Bonnie turned around, and as he did, he saw a bald patch inside a little hole in the side of the hill he just came down. “Wow!” he exclaimed to himself, he hadn’t seen a bald patch of rock in ages! He crouched down and looked into the hole. It wasn’t a tunnel, just a small hole in the side of the hill. It had greenery growing inside and little pebbles in the base. He put his flipper in to feel around for anything. “Meh”, he said as nothing was in there. But as he got up he saw a glint of gold, in the far end of the hole was a small golden object, he got it with his flipper. It looked oval shaped and had some markings on the front, and back. It was quite nice but looked a bit rusty, he smiled as he held it. As he fiddled with the joints on the side it opened up like some sort of hand mirror. He suddenly realised it wasn’t a rock or a medal, it was a compass. His heart sunk and the air around him closed in, he became afraid of the island and wanted to go home. He thought of his wife and children and started to walk fastly away. He went searching for the other 3 but they weren’t anywhere along the far shore. A few hours later he reached where they had come in at first on the boats, when the others saw him walking alone towards them they got mad.
“Where were you? We were looking for you everywhere! We were supposed to be home about an hour ago!” shouted Henchy at him.

He gave the compass to Henchy, and they all looked at it very curiously.
“I found it on the far shore…”, said Bonnie “We’re not alone guys.”
“This is too small for a penguin’s compass, it hardly fits in my flipper.” said Henchy whilst nodding.
“It could be a child’s?” suggested Damen.
“No, it’s too expensive, I think this is rare steel painted with very high quality layers.”, Henchy replied. “It’s markings are not used by any sailor or pirate. It could be humans.”.
“Humans?!” said Bobby fearfully. He’d been told scary stories of humans at bed time and he was afraid of them.
“Don’t worry Bobby, humans don’t exist.” said Damen to comfort him.
Henchy looked at Bonnie with a huge concern.
“Do not lose this. Keep it hidden and don’t tell Pixie about it, you know what she’s like.” he said to Bonnie.
“I won’t.” Bonnie replied.
Notes: This is a VERY important chapter. It will begin a very important base. Read carefully without distractions. Enjoy!

Chapter 4 - Boys, Girls and The Hishi.
— 2 years after Gold —

Bonnie slowly closed the door to his igloo, and creeped across the igloo clearing through the gap that opens out of the village and into the sea. The boat he left before night fall was still there, readied for departure. He climbed onto it and grabbed the ore and started rowing away from shore towards the nearby island. He was wearing a blue and white hooded cape which he pulled over his arms.

The night before, Bonnie had gone to Hashir, a recent friend of his. He was the founder of the Capital City and chief of the mainland’s ‘Queen’s Watch’ Order. He told Hashir everything about the ‘blue scouts’ on the island across from City Hanley. He gave Hashir the compass he hid from Pixie and said goodbye. Bonnie’s business on the island across was of some importance, and only Hashir knew some of it. He said to him he’d been going there secretly many times for a while, but he didn’t mention what it was he was actually doing. He said that it’s really important that he goes, and this particular time would be his last. He said “They’re giving me enough for the both of us, Me and Pixie.”. Hashir didn’t know what he was getting on the island. “Each one counts as allot, as now they’re much larger pieces rather than just grain sized pieces. If I stop going, the effect will reverse on us and it’ll kill us. We live off them now.”. Hashir remembered what he said, but had no clear understanding of exactly what he was getting and using.

Bonnie, arrived to the shore of the mysterious isle across to the mainland. He threw his oars into the sea and let the boat float into the dark night ocean. He was huddled in his cloak as he ventured quickly north west, cutting through the woods. He knew where he was going, he’d come before many times. When he got near the other side of the island’s long but thin body, he started to search around the ground, shoving snow aside and crawling like an insect. He finally found what he was searching for, a small sack which was quite heavy as promised. He opened the sack and put his flipper inside, “Yes, this is it.”. He reached in and grabbed one of the shards, which looked like very dark blue glass, then closed the sack quickly. He stood up and took his hooded cape off, “Wow these are huge!”.

Then he gazed up at the sky, full of stars. There was the moon, just as promised exactly above where he was standing. He aligned the glass with the moon’s position in the sky. As he held up the glass shard, the light of the moon got brighter and caused the glass to glow brightly like a lamp. Then bonnie looked down and crouched, moving the glass in his flipper around as if he was trying to use it’s light to discover something in the snow. As he held it towards the floor, blue footsteps appeared in the light from the glass. He followed the blue step trail holding the glass close to the ground to see where they lead. After a few minutes he reached a dip in the ground where the footsteps stopped. The dip was a ditch, quite large but clear of any tree or rock and the snow was smooth. Bonnie placed the glass shard onto the ground and it’s light faded immediately. Then…. it happened, they appeared just as usual.

He stood there waiting for the power to renew his life and make it longer, but this time expecting a much larger effect because of the size of the glass pieces. A shadow figure in the dark proceeded towards Bonnie but stopped to reach down to pick up the glass. He then threw it at Bonnie and it stuck in him, Bonnie screamed and fell down. The shadow figure then whispered to Bonnie,
“Young boy can row faster than you can, you have been replaced my friend by much better penguin”,
Bonnie looked at him in pain confused.
“Who? Boy?” he asked panting for life.
Another figure approached, but this one had never showed up before. The small group of eskimos, whom they were, didn’t tell Bonnie who it was. They just called him “Hish”. The figure took off his face mask and let down his hood. This one wasn’t a human like the others, it was a penguin, Bonnie’s replacement.
“Ag agh,” panted Bonnie almost losing the fight for life, “It’s you?!… Rover!..”.
The ‘hish’ grabbed the glass in his neck and pushed it in. Bonnie fell silent.. dead.
“There is only 40 glass left, and life belongs to the strongest.” said the figure called ‘Hish’.
“Yes get glass sack, bring it to penguin God Hish.” said the figure who threw the glass at Bonnie.
“Immortality belongs to me.” Hish said looking down at Bonnie.

— The Next Week —
Damen was outside the Capital, where his mom was who was badly sick, she was being kept in the big snow castle there. All of the adventurers with Harriet came down to the capital to be with her before she was thought to die. Damen was practising his bow in the Gardens. He kept trying to strike bulls eye on the target but just couldn’t get there at all. Damen’s friends, Bobby, Flipper and Chelsey were all watching him shoot. All of them were bored because Captain Hashir ordered them to visit Harriet every hour. The only time they could go outside was between those visits, and they could only go as far as the gardens outside the city. Damen embarrassed, missing completely, had ran out of arrows. He wished he didn’t have to turn around after the disgrace to collect more.
“Get some more and try again…” said Flipper.
“I keep damn trying all the damn time, it’s this bow! It sucks!” Damen frustratedly said.
“Hey! Henchy made that before he died.”, complained Bobby “He’s one of the Queen’s Royal adventurers too you know.”.
“Yes I know… but he could have made the wood more durable and less flexible.” Damen replied.
“Maybe you should practise your snowball throwing skills with me instead?” said Chelsey. Chelsey was the daughter of a merchant from Birdlings who was lucky enough to come with his wife and she, Chelsey to find food when they ran out. She was no good with a bow or any other things other than snow.
Damen scoffed at Chelsey and threw a snowball in her face.
“One more round and then we’ve got to visit Harriet.” said Flipper.
“Yeah yeah yeah, we saw her like 10 mins ago. Still lying in bed surrounded by Birdlingerers.” Damen said.
“Hey! Most of your damn friends are ‘Birdlingers’ including me so stop mocking us.” Flipper complained.
“Sorry, gosh.” Damen said back.
As he loaded the bow with the next arrow, suddenly someone else’s arrow shot right past his face and landed right on bullseye.
“WHAT?!” Damen shouted as they all looked behind where the arrow came from. There stood the red penguin who everyone despised.
“Ugh, it’s you half boy. Get out of here!” Flipper said to him.
“Go take your bow some place else, Rover!” Damen shouted.
Rover bowed in front of them and said “Tut tut, a 14 year old beats you every place, most high Prince.”
“Get the heck out or I’ll get the guards to lock you up so you can’t disappear all the time anymore! Son of the witch!” Damen said back.
Rover walked off with a mocking smirk on his face.

“You shouldn’t let that kid boss you around all the time… You are like way higher than him.” Chelsey said to Damen.
“Argh, I can’t get him.. or IT of my back. He seems to creep around all the time, he’s like a demon. Well, then again he’s the son of Corté.” Damen said.
“You have a right to hate him, and we do too. The son of the woman who killed your father. He, will never be liked by anyone; Especially me, when you are king we can slay him!” Flipper said to Damen with honour.
“Yes Flipper, I will.” Damen said.
Damen turned and shot his arrow, this time it missed the target and hit a tree. Above the failed arrow was the painted words “Haha ~rover”.
“That cursed Child! AAAGHH, I wish I could slay him!” Damen raged.

Minutes later, they were all around Harriet again. She was in a bed, at the top of the snow castle. Around them were a few guards.
“Damen my son, what have you been up to?” she smiled gigglingly.
“Well mother, ahem I was practising my bow and arrow.” he said back to her.
“Getting good now aren’t you?”
“Heh” Damen laughed back.
“Soon you’ll be captain Damen the master archer.”
“Haha, yes I think so. If it weren’t for that rover shooting an arrow on my target and missing perfect bullseye, my target would have looked perfect. I got 4 bullseye in a row.” Damen boasted lying.
“Wow! My son! You truly are a prince.” she said back. “Don’t worry, when you become the King you won’t need to worry about lesser penguin scum.”.
Chapter 5: Cursed Forever.
Written by Damen, enjoy!

Declan dug hard with his shovel which was made of iron. He made it himself when he used to live in Birdlings with his father who was long gone. The group of 3 boys were sent out by Steward and Heir Damen to dig a large hole with enough space to put a coffin and treasures with lots of depth. The mainland had never felt so quiet before, it seemed everyone had become very fond and proud of the Queen. Her loss became a large void in the lives of the villagers and citizens on the Isles. The inhabitants of South Cap and the Dock Isles had come forth to be at the great funeral, along with fishermen and explorers from the further islands on the east sea.
“I’ve been doing most of the work as usual, you lazy, fat people!”
“Hey! Don’t be so rude to us Declan, I hurt my flipper whilst training,” replied Cervous.
“Stop your arguing, you beach worms, and get diggin’. I’ll be reporting any more nonsense to the King, and he’ll be unhappy for sure not that he needs anymore drama!” Zarmont the Great asserted to the 2 boys who were constantly in an uproar about how much work they both did.

Declan and Cervous stopped arguing immediately and continued digging, but Declan definitely was fed up of Zarmont and his silly threats. He once threatened him that if he didn't run an entire mile without stopping each day to get ‘in shape’, he’d kick him so hard that all of his fat would explode out of him, which of course was ridiculous.

Damen locked himself in his quarters as he stumbled over old books and papers looking for a feather to write down a letter to Captain Hashir at City Hanley to stop his aunt Pixie from visiting the funeral. Damen was getting very worried about his mother’s friends that were with her when they first came to the isles. He’d been hearing rumours from friends and royal advisors that a dark evil from the Dock Isle had left and moved to the mainland to execute their tasks. Such stories were of no concern to most of the Guardian Watch and many other citizens, but Damen had witnessed strange things in dreams of the time he went to the Dock Island with Henchy, Bonnie, Bobby and some others. He kept seeing people in the trees, not even penguins, they looked more like humans.

The door opened whilst Damen was in a flood of papers from his desk.
“Hey..” said Chelsey.
Damen turned, embarrassed.
“Why are you in here? I locked the door!” he blustered.
“Sorry, it’s just that I can’t help putting my hand in that gap lets you lift the lock up…” she smirked.
Damen grunted and shuffled back round continuing to rummage.
“If it’s a consolation to you, why are you acting so unusual? You should be assisting the penguins before they ride out with the… coffin,” Chelsey queried.
Damen stopped his agitated rummaging and stood up to turn round in a disquieted manner.
“Well… it’s just… well, last night I dreamt a great myriad of humans were on boats floating in from Dock Isle, they all came to these shores to do evil things… I can’t stop trying to think of what happened before I woke… it was scary yet so personable as if it’s no worry. Argh, it’s like… the whole worry is about a person I already know but I dislike… It’s a great mix of worry, discharged with the comfort of advantage over this foe.” As Damen spoke, Chelsey began to walk closer to him.
“Don’t worry, your mother just died, you have need to be upset,” she comforted Damen.
“No, no these aren’t about this… they’re about the future and what is happening. I’ve been having dreams building up to this one before when she was alive,” Damen professed passionately.
“My lord King, the Council are here to take us to the Burial,” said a Guard, walking in on their conversation.
Damen nodded and walked out. Before exiting, he looked back at the pile of paper lying inconveniently next to his bed.

Flipper, Chelsey, Damen, and Bobby were all walking together toward the burial event. They walked quietly together, respectfully. Queen Harriet’s advisor came to tell Damen that he’d need to get into the royal carriage as they entered the plot.
“It’s for protection,” the Advisor pleaded.
“And my friends are not worthy of protection?” Damen replied.
“Well… you are the King, but, your Grace you may pick but one other because the carriage is too small,” he advised.
Damen looked at his friends, they all faced him and smiled in a way to dismiss any embarrassment.
“I’ll just bring Chelsey with me. Ladies first, right?” Damen said.

Damen entered the carriage with Chelsey as the others walked behind with other entrants. Damen’s heart began to pound faster. He felt as if his dreams were all alive and focused at the burial place. All the feelings began to press on him. He kept seeing flash backs of the dream, faces, a figure growing from child to adult with power and evil. He suddenly burst out crying in sadness, fear, and utter absolution. Chelsey comforted him, but she began to weep, too.

Damen didn’t want to do his speech. They lowered the coffin into the ground and everyone put treasures in including fine jewels, scrolls of prayers and love, and fine daggers and gold pieces. All around, in a large crowd, were guards forming a circular group which extended away from the grave. In the front layer of the crowd were all the high born individuals, including Hashir, Corté, Reldo and their child, Rover. Also there was Pixie and her son Bobby. King Damen and Chelsey remained in the carriage, watching from afar.

“Have you brought anything?” Chelsey asked Damen.
“No. She gave me everything before she died that’s worth burying. She gave me a small red gem that my father used to own. It’s colored thick rose and is a kind of water drop shape. She said that if anyone other than a Hanley held it, it would become deep black and cursed forever. I keep it under my bed so nobody can lay their mittens on it!” he said whilst giggling.
“Hah. I got a small ring and silver chain. It was my mother’s supposedly.”
“Don’t give your family memories away,” he propounded.
“I thought royalty was more valuable than anyone else,” she muttered whilst looking down at her jewels.
“Don’t be absurd. I’m no different to you, nor you to me or him to her. We’re like snow. We’re all white and we all melt sooner or later,” he remarked.
“I’ve never thought of it like that…” she replied whilst smiling. “How was she? Was she fun?”
“Rather fun, but loving more than fun. If fun is all I needed she would have showered me with it. It wasn’t fun, it was love and she showered me with that.”

That night, Damen sat upon his bed alone in his quarters. Sipping on cold water, he considered the frightening dream of the night before. Deep in thought, he imagined what his life would be like as the King. Who would he really rule, other than just citizens and guards and councillors and advisors. He constantly worried his rule would not be relevant to some people though, perhaps the enemies in his dreams. Suddenly, the door knocked.
“My Lord Damen King” uttered a voice, muffled behind the door.
“Come in, sir!” Damen shouted back.
A guard came in, “A visitor is here to see you.” Behind the Guard was 3 people of importance; Reldo, Corté, and Rover. Damen looked at them but felt uncomfortable for some reason.
“Erm, of course, come in friends. Sir Guard!” Damen said.
“Yes Your Grace?”
“Would you mind staying guard and keep the door open?” Damen asked.
“Of course your majesty,” accepted the Guard.

“Oh Damen, we’re so sorry about the loss of Harriet. She was a great friend of ours,” said Reldo to Damen.
“Yes I know, but you say ours. Now tell me which it was whom slayed my father in front of her very eyes,” Damen grudged.
Corté looked uncomfortably toward Damen at that point and started to grow disturbed. Reldo looked to the side in concern and sorrow.
“That is behind us now, my Lord,” said Reldo.
“Yes, I know,” grumbled Damen as he downed the last of his water. Licking his lips, he turned to look at Rover who was standing there with wide eyes and a small mouth.
“Cute for a 14-year-old. Aren’t you, little soul?” Damen sniggered.

Rover smiled a little, and his parents looked at him proudly.
“I suppose he’ll be a farmer or fisherman one day, don’t you think? A child like this can’t be ruined in hard work can he?” Damen recommended to Reldo.
“Indeed, perhaps he will live for a lighter load in his day coming,” replied Reldo.
“Corté, what did you put in?” Damen asked.
“My Lord King, I put in 100 gold pieces and a golden statue for happy riches in her adventures to come!” she replied.
“I suppose you thought that was pretty genuine of you? Ever do you seek to be a rich opposer. Even in kind acts you walk away with no honour,” Damen hissed.
Reldo rose and shouted, “Don’t say that to her!”
“So the slayer woman has really changed, has she?” he asked.
“She’s not as she was, Damen my King!” Reldo bursted in disgust.
“Get out! Corté, get out! Guards, get her!” Damen commanded and stood up. Rover looked untouched by the argument, looking aside from Damen toward the wall.
The guard raced towards Corté and grabbed her.
“Get off her, you dog!” Reldo shouted.
“This one is even worse, it seems. He’s changed since he bore the favour of my father! Take them both!” Damen despised.
Reldo tried fighting the Guards as they came in to take them both. They were soon removed from the room, and kept shouting from down the hall.
“What of this boy, King?” asked one of the Guards retreating from the arrest.
“Oh, him? Well, I once thought I couldn’t do anything about him, but now I’m King. I think I’ll give this cute face a smash or two. Take Rover, the Spawn of Scum, to the deepest of dungeons and feed him bones for the rest of his days!” shouted Damen.
“As commanded my Lord!” the Guard replied proudly.

Rover didn’t even react to the sentence as he stood in the midst of the Guard who was about to arrest him. At the last second before the Guard grabbed him, he lifted his flipper and in his palm was a small red rose gem. The guard immediately fell back knowing the gem’s importance.
“My King, it’s your mother’s rose stone, he’s holding it!”
“Put that down!” Damen shouted, traumatized.
The guard pushed Rover to the floor quickly. Rover in pain yelped, then let the stone roll across the floor. Damen and the Guard looked down at it. The beautiful red rose color started to curdle into an evil deep black. Cursed it became, forever. Well, Dice Talk is over! Bye!!

1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
31st December 2013, 08:04 PM

No wonder this was so long! XD Lol, great post, Dice! ;)

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
31st December 2013, 08:07 PM

No wonder this was so long! XD Lol, great post, Dice! ;)
Aww! Thanks, Music! Happy New Years!

1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
31st December 2013, 08:08 PM

Happy new years, Dice! One thing, Happy New Years sounds strange for some reason... should it be Merry New Years, or Jolly New Years? Lol

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