2nd January 2014

how's it been?

Made by Notacoolman in The Lounge

1,433 posts
Seen 22nd October 2015
2nd January 2014, 07:22 PM

hi guys! i quit about a week ago,and i am visiting until the end of the day. so....how have all of you been? i hope you've been doing very well! i for one have been pretty well! is there anything big,or even small that i missed while i was gone? if there was,please tell me! i would love to hear all the updates! well have you missed me? *cricket*....well ok then.i've missed YOU! anyway, no i am not coming back for good,if you're wondering! just visiting until probably the end of the day. if you're wondering what's going on in my life right now (yes i know you're not wondering that. xD) literally nothing is going on. just been chilling out! waddle on.

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
2nd January 2014, 07:25 PM

I enjoy seeing you visit but honestly I would like seeing you come back we have many memories that are amazing.

Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
2nd January 2014, 07:27 PM

Congrats your back for the night, by my heart does not get filled with enough coolman. I NEED COOLMAN BACK FOREVER! Oh yeah, and you dropped your bacon on the street. I'll pick it up, since im happy your staying! (runs over and picks it up, and eats it) Oh yeah, uhhh (drools, eyes go sleey) uuuh.... OH YEAH! Welcome back, and I think I forgot to bring you something, lets think over the memory in my brain. HMMM.... (Sorry to be off topic, but yeah...) Happy your here for the night!

News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
2nd January 2014, 07:34 PM

It has been wonderful! I did my 49th Dice Talk! And Dice Talk Radio Station is coming on the 5th!

1,433 posts
Seen 22nd October 2015
2nd January 2014, 08:08 PM

guys. i just won't come back... i quit for simuliar reasons that Fizz did. one of the reasons is,i'm too busy and i need to spend more time with family and friends. (wait that's two reasons.) but i will visit as much as possible. and that's great,dice!

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