2nd January 2014

What Happned To Teen Titans?!

Made by Starwolf in The Lounge

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
2nd January 2014, 11:17 PM

Hye Guys Star Here Recently I Have Been Reasearching Teen Titans Villans. (Teen Titans Show)So I Researched The Villan From A A Episode Called. "Things Change" And The Villan Was Called White Monster. The Villan That Camoflauges. And I Ran To The Last Senetnce That Said. It Was Never Shown Its Deaft (Due To Teen Titans Being Cancled). I Was Liek Why In The World Was It Cancled? I Watched Teen Titans Go. The New Version Of teen Titans. I Think Its Okay And Funny. But I Dont Understand Why It Was Cancled.

The Clifhangers: Okay These Are The Clifhangers. What Will Happen To Terra? How Did Terra Lose Her Statue? What Happned To The White Monster? Did Slade Wipeout Terras Memory?

My Ansrew To terras Questions: What Will happen To terra? Will She Rember Everything? Will She get Her Powers? I Think She Will Remeber Everything? How Did She Get Out Of Here Statue? Maybe In The Episode The End When Trigon Came And Slade Was There? Maybe Trigon Did Something And Terra Got Out Because Remeber When Slade Was A Skelton And The Lava Came Maybe Thats How terra Got Out Bye Trigon?

Slades Q/A: Okay Maybe Slade Made A Second Him Or One Of His Minions Disgused Himself As Slade? Or Maybe If Slade Was Alive All Along He Wiped terras Memory Clean.

Sorry ABout the Camoflauge Guy IW ill make That Post later Bye Guys! ~Star~

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
2nd January 2014, 11:23 PM

I Did Not Know WHitch Category Guys! Sorry ~Star~

590 posts
Seen 14th February 2014
3rd January 2014, 04:14 AM

Titans were cannceld i think,

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
3rd January 2014, 01:15 PM

It Was Cancled Backon Thats Why I made This Because People Watched And Need To Know Whats Happned Its Been Like 8 Years Since Things Change Has Been Aired. And HHow I Think They Could Wrap Up Like A 2 Hour Movie Maybe With Teen Titans Go And The Orignal. ~Star~

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