3rd January 2014

The Red Hawks Ch.2

Made by Sheepy in The Lounge

127 posts
Seen 9th June 2015
3rd January 2014, 04:33 PM

All of Oldcp was in ruins buildings were aflame and debris was going in every direction. The dust made it hard to breathe. Then a smoke bomb went off in Mickeys Safe House. The Ninja appeared. In a deep voice the words Help Me escaped. He Dissapeared as soon as he had left. And Mickey looked out the window to see the Ninja fighting off thousands of Red Hawks with his swords. Mickey knew the Ninja wouldn't survive for much longer so he grabbed his Walkie Talkie and signaled in the Black Hawks. Moments later 4 helicopters flew in and dropped bombs on the Red Hawks. There was even more Debris and dead penguins scattered the ground. But finally after 3 days of fighting the Black Hawks won. Mickey got out of his safe house there was debris and smoke. It was almost impossible to breathe without a face mask. The Ninja was no where to be found. Mickey tripped over a sword. It was the Ninjas samurai sword!
To be Continued

+1 by Preston and Harrypot9

2,580 posts
Seen 11th November 2019
3rd January 2014, 05:07 PM

Did you know I used to be a Blackhawk? Anyway, I really like this story!!! Keep up the great work!!! :D

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