4th January 2014

Why Is Starwolf My Name?

Made by Starwolf in The Lounge

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
4th January 2014, 09:10 PM

Hey Guys Starwolf Here And I'm Sure You Want To Know Why is Starwolf My Name? Thats Right ~~Name~~

Why I Choose Starwolf: Well A Wolf Is My Favorite Animal Cause They Can be So Elegant At Times. Its Just Graceful Seeing Some Pictures Of Them. Then Came Star. Well I Thought About It I Could Have Done Like Sparklewolf. I Thought About I Thought Stars Are Beatiful And Wolves Can Be Graceful. So That Makes A Great Mixture So I Choose Starwolf.

Other Possible Names For Me!: So This is What My Other Possible Names I Could Have Choosen. Shimmerwolf, Dreamwolf, Forgive ShimmerXoxo

Why I Choose Names Like PawsforeverStarwolf On Fourms: Well Guys As You Know I Made A Change My Name Post On Fourms. So I Make Up Names Like PawsupitsStarwolf Realted To My Youtube Accounts Like xGalaxi Girlx So I Thouhgt Maybe XStarwolfX.

So Thats Why I Choose Starwolf Guys! ~Star~

+1 by Smaug and Harrypot9

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