5th January 2014


Made by Divergent in Cool Stuff

267 posts
Seen 2nd June 2014
5th January 2014, 11:01 PM

Here are some riddles answer if you can the answers are simple like the back of your hand.
ok here are the Rules:answer the riddles if you are right i will message you if you are wrong keep guessingEnjoy answering!

1.)I am the beginning of the end, the end of every place.
I am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space.

What am I?

2.)Many have heard me, but nobody has seen me,
and I will not speak back until spoken to.

What am I?

3.) I can be half without getting thinner.
I can shine with no fire.
I can be hidden but never taken.
I can stay dry while moving the ocean.

What am I?

4.)It rhymes with no school,to cool,ain't no fool,and
i'm the best at what i do -ool

Who am i?

5.)When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be
as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when
the day before yesterday was tomorrow. what is tomorrow

6.)We are twelve in the family. I am the second one, as well as the youngest.

Who am I?

If you want more riddles after you attempt to solve these message me

Merc with a mouth.(if anyone is a Deadpool fan)

the awesome signature is made by Thisismyname

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