2,224 posts
Posted in Jousting • 3rd February 2020, 03:32 PM

elfboy123 wrote on 3rd February 2020, 02:43 PM:
I can set up a joust date since I’m KC

So just Knight Captains and Admins?

2,224 posts
Posted in Goblin Deployment • 3rd February 2020, 03:23 PM

Could of told me that BEFORE I WENT IN THE ROOM. D:<

2,224 posts
Posted in Jousting • 3rd February 2020, 12:00 PM

First of all, I didn't know what thing to put this discussion in, but I thought the best one was this one...

I want to protect the lives of innocent penguins on the OldCP server, but it is hard to do so with near to no training whatsoever. I have only ever jousted once, but that was with an admin present, so I think it would be a good idea to let knights set up jousts peacefully just to train ourselves for upcoming fights against evil.

What do you guys think?

2,224 posts
Posted in Reclaiming the Throne • 2nd February 2020, 05:46 PM

my throne now

EDIT: Issa joke guys stop crying

2,224 posts
Posted in SOUTH DECLARES WAR ON CPPP • 2nd February 2020, 04:47 PM

wait why have i been demoted?

2,224 posts
Posted in Redarmy recruitment • 2nd February 2020, 03:10 PM

Highly Recommend Joining :D

2,224 posts
Posted in Super Bowl Prediction Contest • 2nd February 2020, 01:24 PM

49ers to win 25- 18

2,224 posts
Posted in I DON'T UNDERSTAND • 1st February 2020, 07:47 PM

Jibreel1024 wrote on 1st February 2020, 07:35 PM:
I can't be the only one who thought this when I read the title

I sound more angry then that I'd say lmao

2,224 posts
Posted in I DON'T UNDERSTAND • 1st February 2020, 06:30 PM

jemi1234 wrote on 1st February 2020, 06:18 PM:
mariojack905 wrote on 1st February 2020, 05:04 PM:
August wrote on 1st February 2020, 05:00 PM:
mariojack905 wrote on 1st February 2020, 03:42 PM:
I haven't been armed once in the time I've been playing this game. i don't know how to get gold or chance cards to buy any weapons. So why on earth I have been killed FOUR TIMES is absolutely ASTOUNDING to me. I just don't get it.
Normally we have mods who help people with these questions but idk what happened
You would think so huh. I just think there should be more mods and they should be more active, because I got no one to turn to when stuff like this happens
hahaha yeah i'm dead aswell so i can't really help you, but i'll get another mod to

Thanks, it would be much appreciated :D

2,224 posts
Posted in I DON'T UNDERSTAND • 1st February 2020, 05:51 PM

Sleddy wrote on 1st February 2020, 05:43 PM:
Maybe iBlue can consider making you a war knight? We are currently in war but if you'd like to fight for good that'd be awesome

That sounds great actually! How can I do that?

2,224 posts
Posted in I DON'T UNDERSTAND • 1st February 2020, 05:05 PM

CoolLloyd wrote on 1st February 2020, 04:12 PM:
mariojack905 wrote on 1st February 2020, 03:58 PM:
CoolLloyd wrote on 1st February 2020, 03:53 PM:
You receive gold and chance cards by being active. Do /gold to check out how much gold you have.
When it comes to being killed, I completely understand what you are feeling. It seems like weapons were given to children that enjoy the taste of gratuitous violence.
Exactly. And about the gold, its like 600 gold per HOUR. That's not much considering how much you need for a weapon of power. PLUS when I even get close to reaching the required price, I DIE, and have to reset, which is absolute rubbish and I can't be bothered. Never thought I'd get angry over club penguin.
That's why I highly recommend creating a bank account. Transfer your gold to the bank account and everything will be ok. If you die, your gold will stay safe.

Do these bank accounts carry on from one penguin to another?

2,224 posts
Posted in I DON'T UNDERSTAND • 1st February 2020, 05:04 PM

August wrote on 1st February 2020, 05:00 PM:
mariojack905 wrote on 1st February 2020, 03:42 PM:
I haven't been armed once in the time I've been playing this game. i don't know how to get gold or chance cards to buy any weapons. So why on earth I have been killed FOUR TIMES is absolutely ASTOUNDING to me. I just don't get it.
Normally we have mods who help people with these questions but idk what happened

You would think so huh. I just think there should be more mods and they should be more active, because I got no one to turn to when stuff like this happens

2,224 posts
Posted in I DON'T UNDERSTAND • 1st February 2020, 03:58 PM

CoolLloyd wrote on 1st February 2020, 03:53 PM:
You receive gold and chance cards by being active. Do /gold to check out how much gold you have.
When it comes to being killed, I completely understand what you are feeling. It seems like weapons were given to children that enjoy the taste of gratuitous violence.

Exactly. And about the gold, its like 600 gold per HOUR. That's not much considering how much you need for a weapon of power. PLUS when I even get close to reaching the required price, I DIE, and have to reset, which is absolute rubbish and I can't be bothered. Never thought I'd get angry over club penguin.

2,224 posts
Posted in I DON'T UNDERSTAND • 1st February 2020, 03:42 PM

I haven't been armed once in the time I've been playing this game. i don't know how to get gold or chance cards to buy any weapons. So why on earth I have been killed FOUR TIMES is absolutely ASTOUNDING to me. I just don't get it.

2,224 posts
Posted in Snipers • 1st February 2020, 01:15 PM

I agree fully, I've seen them in action and they are too powerful!