144 posts
Posted in Random Comeback from my Old Forums Account • 18th January 2019, 01:06 PM

Hi sisters!

For some reason, I found my old forums account back and from now on, instead of using Zhaklina (my newer one), I am going to be using this one. I even updated it to make it more suitable to my tastes and hopefully to yours as well... So yeah.

~ Zhaklina

144 posts
Posted in Brothers of the Watch App~Zhaklina • 4th March 2016, 02:49 AM

I know I needed to earn a few ranks & all but I just going to try & get this job.

Name: Zhaklina

Age: 11

Experience: Member on forums & registered user of Xat

Why I want to be hired?: It's because I'm an active person & always go to Snaildom everyday. I'm also a mature, helpful & friendly user around. I usually am trusted by some staff but I'm still not sure.

Activeness: Mostly in the afternoon after school(2:30pm GMT) but on Friday,I'm not available because I
do dance.

What I know about the Watch?: I know that I must follow the rules & not to tell about this secret society.

Thanks for reading this application & I hope that soon I would be part of this organization.

~Zhaklina(Snaildom & OldCP)

144 posts
Posted in The Watch Reopening • 25th February 2016, 11:19 AM

I have made my application for the SW. So I hope some people can read it :).

144 posts
Posted in Snaildom Watch App~ Zhaklina • 25th February 2016, 11:17 AM

Hello there, I'm going to apply for the Watch & I hope I would be in SW soon. :)

Name: Zhaklina

Age: 11

Experience: Member on forums & registered user of Xat

Why I want to be hired?: It's because I'm an active person & always go to Snaildom everyday. I'm also a mature, helpful & friendly user around. I usually am trusted by some staff but I'm still not sure.

Activeness: Mostly in the afternoon after school(2:30pm GMT)

What I know about the Watch?: I know that I must follow the rules & not to tell about this secret society.

Thanks for reading this application & I hope that soon I would be part of this organization.


144 posts
Posted in New Home of the Empire: DSGHQ Royal Minecraft! • 22nd February 2016, 02:43 AM

I only have Minecraft PE but I might get Minecraft PC in the near future.




144 posts
Posted in [PW] Hiring More Brothers • 21st January 2016, 01:20 PM



Why do I want to be Penguin Watch Brother?
I wanted to be a PW brother because I am really confident & also mature to qualify for this rank. I don't know if you trust me & think
I'm trusted for that rank.I live in the UK but I'm not sure if you're going to do meetings at 10pm GMT.

Will I talk about the secrets of PW
No, because I know that if I tell the secret, I would be having a death penalty

Will I obey these rules
Yes I will obey these important rules.

Have I got all the requirements of PW
Yes I do, I have heard of what PWs do. I will try and follow to do my duty if I got that rank.

That's all. I hope that some people like it & hopefully, I might get the rank.

144 posts
Posted in Welcome back to the DSGHQ Forums! • 21st January 2016, 12:23 PM

Good Job it's back for everyone else. :D Thanks for the gold anyways. Never mind the new forums, this one is the only one that I like now :)

144 posts
Posted in Gamer & Adawg play: ROBLOX! New series! • 28th October 2015, 01:41 PM

I did play Roblox and everytime I saw one of the DSGHQ people, I did want to go & play with that friend who is in DSGHQ. It is kind of annoying but I am like that.



144 posts
Posted in Halloween Costume Contest • 28th October 2015, 01:32 PM

I'm so going to take part but it has to be your own costume, I know that. :D I did make mines but Good luck to you guys (._.)

144 posts
Posted in Quiz for gold. • 26th October 2015, 02:20 PM

I chose Damen's Run away cheese

One day,Damen makes this cheese that is a special type. It can do normal human things.
Until one day, the cheese did actually talk & said "I don't like living with Damen. I will run away." but The Cheese finally realized about that bedtime story Damen told him about the gingerbread man who ran until he was gobbled up by a fox because he's greedy. So he has a big decision to make. He decided to run, he ran till he saw a person called Orbay. He asked "Can I eat you? You look so good :D." It said "NO, YOU LOOK UGLY" Orbay was annoyed and yelled "HOW DARE YOU!" The cheese ran all his life until he bumps into another person called ollo, ollo said "Can I eat you? You are really tasty" It said "NO,EVEN IF YOU ARE A MODERATOR,YOU WILL STILL BE HATED!" Ollo said "HOW DARE YOU!!!" Damen heard their complaints about the cheese and he finally ate him when the cheese didn't say sorry to the penguins. So Damen put up a new rule. "Ignore whoever says mean things on you.They just think you are like that" Well people never change :I.

144 posts
Posted in Royal Warlord Tournament • 8th October 2015, 02:08 PM

I will try to compete because I am always serious even though about the time. I am still going to try and get to do this thing. :) -Zhaklina

144 posts
Posted in BG lessons with Zhaklina 1 • 19th August 2015, 09:44 AM

Hello, I'm in Bulgaria now until 3rd September so I won't be able to do some Question time and from the past to now. In the meantime,if anyone don't know Bulgarian here I will show you some basic speaking in Bulgarian.

Ways to say hello
1. Zdravei
2. Zdrasti
3. Zdraveite

Ways to say goodbye

1. Chao(Italian/Bulgarian)
2. Dovishdane

Ways to say Thank you

1. Merci(French/Bulgarian)
2. Blagodarq

Sorry for any inconvenience, I know its not a great idea but I had no choice and that brings me to my question

Should I keep doing these lessons or make some more question time?
Leave your comments below. ~Zhaklina

144 posts
Posted in (Late birthday) FTPTN#2 • 29th July 2015, 01:12 PM

Yesterday, some people know its my birthday but I forgot about it on forums because I'm too busy in real life doing stuff on my birthday, so it's like a late birthday on forums. So for people who wanted to do this again, here it goes.
OldCP at the beginning


Doctor.Who the penguin: Well,this is it.

(all the people are excited to see it open and waited till they see themselves in it.)

Joy (inside someone's head): Oh wow this is so exciting, Are you excited?!! :DDD

Fear: No no no, this is going to get scarier than I thought when Raegon is gonna come (:O

Anger: I'm more excited but I'm hungry.when's the feast gonna come. D:<

Disgust: UGHHHHHHHHH you always wanted food. >:I

Sadness: (cries)

Admin: I now declare that Oldcp is.......



We're the Blackhawks >:D


(Admin is dead)

Zhaki: Looks like the past is messed up....

To brony/pegasister users do you think this is funny?:

Non brony/pegasister users: What would happen if your favourite TV programme took over DSGHQ?

Hope you enjoyed it :) ~Zhaklina

144 posts
Posted in Theory of Squidward - Zhaklina • 13th June 2015, 05:33 AM

There's my theory about Squidward:

1. The Mountain with the puffle and the skull.

a) The Mountain is going to be killed because it shows the sword on the Mountain and has these 'x' eyes to show that he's killed.

b) The dead puffle who's happy is shown as part of his ingredient.

c) The skull of a dead penguin is a royal or some other penguin that's innocent which used in his ingredient.

2. The healing potion is used as his ingredient to make his army un-dead.

3. The graveyard that's crossed is shown that they're un-dead

= Making all of Shrek's army and Shrek to die.

Squidward not just a character of Spongebob but he's a powerful squid who wanted to rule all of Oldcp and make all the other innocent penguins his slave. He's making a potion that will make Shrek die because he saw that Shrek was more powerful than Squidward and he's getting his revenge by making all his army un-dead and cause a war.

Well that's my theory of Squidward, Good luck to all users who are doing a theory that will be solved :) - Zhaklina

144 posts
Posted in Debate #11: Taxes • 11th June 2015, 03:20 PM

They should've because they are desperate in need after this earthquake anyways they should be compassionate about others not themselves.:I -Zhaklina

Ps theres an answer to your question.