The Adventures of Legolas and Gimli - Part 1

22nd February 2016

Legolas and Gimli embark on another adventure with axes, trees, snot and farts.

The Tales of Legolas and Gimli

Gimli ate mutton
"DISGUSTING!" he said as he ate many muttons

Legolas said
"Get up now you disgusting dwarf!"
Gimli's head rotated 365 degrees towards Legolas
Gimli threw infinite axes at Legolas. Legolas dodged epically. The battle continued for 200 years.

By the time the battle was over they were in Fangorn forest, Gimli's axe wrath had not ceased as Legolas did ninja jumps from tree to tree doing epic flips and combos. The axes of Gimli chopped the trees down one by one as his magnificent axes clashed with the old crappy trees.

When Gimli ran out of infinite axes he said "Look all the trees have fallen..."
"Indeed so Gimli! Apart from one tree yonder!"

They looked afar and noticed one tree, it was running towards them!

"What the hell! The tree is running!" Gimli shouted
"The elves taught the trees to speak and move, even kill dwarf!" Legolas said
Gimli snorted so hard at Legolas that all his snot and mucus came out of his nose blowing in the wind towards Legolas' face. Legolas face was turning green with great haste.

Suddenly the tree arrived at Gimli and Legolas.
"There were two disgusting orcs here now there is just one orc and one beauitful young green tree wife!" said the tree.
Omg! The tree thought Legolas was a tree wife!
Gimli said "That is no tree!"
The tree kicked Gimli in the ass so hard he farted into the air and landed upon the top of the Isengard tower.