Apollo: A Kenobi Story P. 2

22nd February 2016

The Life of Apollo

Apollo: A Kenobi Story P. 2
By Dice

2000 ABY June 9 Outside Mos Eisley, Tatooine

Apollo woke up to a beautiful Saturday morning. "Mommy, I think today's the day." Said Apollo. "What?" Questioned his mother. "I think today I'll become a Jedi." "Well, I don't think you will become a Jedi that fast, but think whatever you want." "Okay, mommy." Answered Apollo. But Apollo was wrong, like always.

2001 ABY February 22nd Anchorhead, Tatooine

"Mommy, why are we here?" Asked Apollo. "It's cold." "To pick up your dad from the Anchorhead Cantina," answered Apollo's mother. "He can't just walk home by himself." "Point taken." Replied Apollo. Today was the big day. Today, Apollo's life will change, forever. "Hello," said a strange, old, hooded man. "My name is Ezra Bridger. Have you seen a girl with blue and purple here?" "No." Answered Apollo's mother." "Why?" Asked Apollo. "Well, I'm looking for her." "Well, we'll find you when we see her." Said Apollo's mother. "Okay, have a nice day." Said Ezra Bridger. Before Ezra Bridger left, Apollo noticed something strange about him. In his belt was a lightsaber, but it looked like a gun. Apollo was very confused.

2001 ABY March 8th Outside Mos Eisley, Tatooine

Apollo heard a knock at the door. "Mommy," yelled Apollo. "Can I see who's at the door?" "Yes, honey. As long as its not a First Order soldier." Answered his mother. "I see we meet again," said Ezra Bridger. "Hi, Ezra. Did you find your friend?"Asked Apollo. "No," answered Ezra. "I need some place to stay since my starship crashed." Apollo's mother walked in. "Oh. Hi. You can stay here, Ezra." Replied Apollo's mother. "Thank you, very much." Thanked Ezra. "No problem."
"Dinner time," yelled Apollo's father, Owen Kenobi II. Everyone sat down at the dinner table; Owen, Aayla, Apollo, Beur, and Ezra. "Hello," said Ezra to Beur and Owen. "I see we haven't met. I am Ezra Bridger." "Hi, Ezra!" Said Beur. "Hello," answered Owen. "Your a Jedi, aren't you?" Asked Apollo. "What makes you think that?" Asked Ezra. "Because. I saw your lazer sword." Ezra gave a brief chuckle. "Your not here to find your friend, aren't you?" Questioned Apollo. Ezra sighed. "No. I am here to find more Jedi. The First Order is taking over, and they are coming to Tatooine." Owen and Aayla looked at each other, worried. "I am looking for two Jedi. I was hoping for you and your sister to become Jedi." "But," said Beur. "You have to put a needle in us, right?" "Not exactly." So Ezra did all that. "Beur..." Said Ezra. "You are force sensitive." "So are you, Apollo." Apollo and Beur high-fived.

2001 ABY May 17th Middle of Nowhere, Tatooine

"Use the force, Apollo and Beur." Said Ezra. "I did it!" Cheered Beur. "I finished my lightsaber!" "Good job," said Ezra. "Turn it on." Beur turned on a wooden lightsaber, with a green blade. 10 minutes have passed, waiting for Apollo. Suddenly... Apollo turned his on! "Good job, Apollo" Said Ezra. A yellow double bladed lightsaber. "Now you will meet Grand Jedi Master Luke Skywalker." Said Ezra.

2001 ABY May 19th Lush Island, Unknown Planet

Ezra bowed. "Greetings, Grand Jedi Master Luke." Said Ezra. "Greetings, Ezra. You have brought young padawans?" Asked Luke. "Indeed. Apollo Kenobi and Beur Kenobi, you will be assigned to your masters." "Beur Kenobi, your master will be Reon," said Luke. "She will train you well." "Yes sir," said Luke. "Apollo Kenobi... Your master will be Ezra Bridger." "Well, kid," said Ezra. "Looks like your stuck with me." "Yes!" Said Apollo.

To Be Continued...