The DSGHQ-Ice Ghost war- Chapter 1 Part 1

22nd February 2016

Just read :3

The DSGHQ-IG war-Chapter 1
This is NOT based on a true story.

It was almost winter in DSGHQ and users couldn't wait for it,All excitement spread across the Empire. What? ''Who is this guy?'',Oh,This is Graham. Graham is a kind user and likes to help users each other,But the issue is that he was never in anybody's attention,Except for his friend,His name is ''Belmondo''.Belmondo is a great friend of Graham but has also the same issue as Graham,''Atleast we have each other!'' Said Belmondo once,Graham liked the old times, Everytime he sleeps he think about it.Sadly,Belmondo gets most of the times sick and that makes Graham unhappy,Sometimes,He feels very lonely and can't do anything about it. One day, He found a strange guy. Graham came closer to him and it got colder when he does that, Graham had many thoughts:''Is he a wizard?'' ''Is it a good guy?'' ''Who is he?'' Etc... . And suddenly,he disappears. Graham was very confused and reported to the Imperial knights but they wouldn't listen him, Graham got mad and rushed inside a gaurded room wheer only personals are allowed, Graham was in big trouble and was chased by 4 knights. He saw the Head of the Imperial knights and accidentally hit him,Graham hurted his head and was arrested for causing troubles. Nothing but except one thing is he wanted say:''Trust me! It's true! I saw a mystery guy with bunch of ice surrounded him!'',The Head of the Imperial Guards understand how he is panicked but their not too sure about this,This report was said to the Emperor. He demanded that all Guards are going to patrol the major cities, All news reporters were making reports about all of this and users of the DSGHQ Empire were actually surprised how unexpected this event happened...