An ancient town breathes underneath the northern lake, or does it? Not many are sure, and even more have never heard of it. Over time tales from this town have surfaced, here is one of them. This is the tale of Alkmog; Alkmog was born the son of Bliknukmog and Klilmog in an unknown year, Alkmog was an especially ugly goblin, with thousands of warts and boils, but he was a very clever craftsman, which almost every goblin knew. Tis was a normal day in the Gerdor province (which was the northernmost trash heap that Alkmog was born in), and Alkmog returned to work after a long night of mead drinking and rat clearing, he waved a hello to Vactmog, the Skylake lever operator, as the wooden lift creaked and bowed on its journey into the sky, Alkmog got off at the 83rd floor and got his daily job, the paper read as follow: "WORKER #18475828 ASSIGNED TO: CLEAN STATION #675 TOILETS". Alkmog did as instructed, however he noticed something strange, the water of the toilets had stopped flowing and therefore were empty, he checked in with Inspection customs and confirmed the suspected, the water from the Skylake had stopped flowing, and they werent sure why, the only Goblin who knew how the Skylake truly worked, a Goblin named Gothmog had left a long time ago, presumably to the surface, where only few Goblin Town goblins have ever gone. The lead scientist informed Alkmog that he needed a relic long forgotten to time, which was said to be in Gothmogs home, this relic would possibly help to relieve pressure, it was the only hope. Alkmog journeyed to the province of Ezgrar, which Gothmog's house had resided in, after many hours, Alkmog had finally reached Gothmogs home, a dingy shack dug into the wall, although its not entirely clear how, Alkmog had found the mighty wrench of Gothmog, The Ubsgor. The Skylake pipes could not handle the pressure of the mighty torrent of water building, Alkmog had only a few short hours before Goblin Town would be drowned. Alkmog was clever, he knew his way around Goblin Town, so wielding The Ubsgor, Alkmog slid among the ropes and chains, climbing ladders, and jumpings goblins, over the empty Goblin Throne he went, and returned to the Skylake. Alkmog climbed over the hot pipes and into the contraption which held the main pipe, the boiling pipes burnt and seared Alkmog, but he was determined, he found it, the main pipe. Alkmog lifted the Ubsgor and heaved it onto the pipe, which burst the clogged release valve and with a torrent of freezing water, Alkmog was slain, but to great avail, he had saved Goblin Town. The skylake cried into Goblin Town lamenting Alkmog, the water filled the deep chasm of Pilax, and stopped for a second, it was clogged again! but the scientist found the reason, It was a frozen creature, a creature with tentacles and piercing black eyes which caused the scientist with great fervor to free the frozen beast, which after being freed, the beast, the scientist, and Alkmog fell into the deep waters of Pilax, but the beast stirred, and soon, there was no longer three, there was only one, one wriggling mass of tentacles, that receded into the depths.....