Wise Fable's Compendium 1

15th September 2020

Lesson 1: Achievements

To begin this fine page of words on a screen, I ask you this: who can be great? Accomplishments can be removed, Money is disbanded among the closest of your kin, Death takes ALL things that can be achieved. Many will ask; if death takes everything, why have anything? A simple reason is brain function. Accomplishing anything releases dopamine, a chemical compound that makes the body feel good. Sans this important compound, and life has no pleasure. Greatness is self worth, others can say you are great as something or are great, but you won't notice without being worth yourself. As a man who has gone through the trials of depression, this lesson hits close to home for me. I can say, achievements are the purpose of a human.
To show why humans and accomplishing goes hand in hand, we must step away from humans, and enter the animal kingdom. A quote from Tyrion on his studies from genetics.
Robert wrote:
The Kansas studies. The work of Professor W. S. Hunter and
his students has uniformly presented negative evidence as to the reliability of the maze. In 1922, Professor Hunter reported an experiment in which he cited as the highest correlation, an r of .36 between the total net-time rats required to make and then to break a circular maze habit. Twenty-five thirtyday-old albino rats were used. Hunter concluded from this study that the reason rats showed lower correlations than human
beings is that the latter are easier to control experimentally, or rather that "the rat is more unstable than human adults"
The story is setup that Tyrion is putting rats in a maze with cheese at the end, the rats who did find cheese could reproduce, and the ones who could not finish could not. This allowed for smarter rats that found the cheese easier each generation. When training dogs- or any animal for that matter, you use food or a treat as a way to show they did a good job and continue training. This dopamine makes a lot of memory come into play. This is how creatures are trained, achievement.
That is all for now, goodbye.