The Legend of jr Hufflepuffle

15th February 2022

The legend of a mysterious room filled with puffles.

One day, a room called /jr hufflepuffle was created. It was a wacky place. There were puffles everywhere in every color. The whole room was bouncing and blinking. It quickly became a place where users would tell newbies to go in order to earn chancecards or weapons.

More and more puffles kept moving into the room. It was taking longer and longer for it load to its complete glory. All those puffles... bouncing and blinking... Then one day, the room would not load at all. /jr hufflepuffle would be uttered and nothing would happen.

What happened to jr hufflepuffle? Is it so full that there just isn't room for a penguin to even get one flipper into the room? Did the puffles all decide to move out in a mass migration? Were they all slaughtered by Pythas and his evil minions? Did they all resort to cannibalism and eat each other, leaving one final fat puffle in the room? Perhaps the room never existed at all...