The Big One ~ Ambush!
Mason glared at the door and quickly realized the threat.
Hunter sighed, "Just as I was saying..."
"Go!Hide all the plans!Just when I thought we have concealed our hiding spot well!It's probably those darned fools of a gang!" Mason shouted angrily at the other men.
The men quickly got to work, cleaning any trace of the "Big Scheme".Everything was stuffed into barrels and Mason ordered the other men to act natural.Once again a knock came, but louder and seemed more angry.Mason skimmed the room over, and walked over to the door.With a nod, he signaled the other men to pretend to play card games.Mason quietly approached the door, and with a steady turn, he opened the door.He had only opened the door a crack, and the door was bust down completely!
All the men quickly heard the first gunshot.All of them brought out their own guns, only to realize this wasn't a gang, it was Treadton mercenaries!Returning fire, Mason struck the knee of the first soldier.It was on.
"PUSH FORWARD!" Yelled the injured soldier.
"Uh...FIGHT BACK!" Yelled Frank."They can't capture our base!"
While the yelling continued, 3 more shots had been dealt.2 more soldiers lay wounded, and the Star Bandits were unscathed.Mason felt a jump of joy instantly.Knowing how good his companions were at combat, he felt relaxed.Mason himself was the best at aim and accuracy.Hunter was a fighter, with a lot of agility and speed.Tim was powerful.If there was not gun combat, hand on hand was his most reliable way.Frank, was not so much strong or accurate, but was very clever.His way of fighting was outsmarting.He avoided fighting as much as possible.
That was, until Frank got nailed in the shoulder.That stirred it up a little at least.
"Tim, defend Frank!Push through everybody else!Er...Hunter." Mason commanded.
Mason and Hunter combined was enough to push through and take down each soldier.Once the mercenaries were cleared, the men were outside in the rain.It seemed the wounded had fled to their base.Mason quickly realized they had knowledge.
"Everyone!They found our base!Get Frank out of there, we have to get out of here!" Yelled Mason.