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Freehawks are equally skilled and talented as any other Mod Comp team out there. birds wildlife hawks 2560x1600 wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_24.jpg
Freehawks Roster
1. Key123 (owner/leader)
2. Bailey (co-owner/co-leader)
3. Minty (co-owner)
4. Tikiliki (co-leader)
5. Suzy (honorable Freehawk)
6. XxFurryJxx (honorable Freehawk)
7. Theninjaace
8. Jacks12345
9. Little (honorable Freehawk )
10. iKaitlyn (honorable Freehawk)
11. Bp28
12. Freddy2462
13. icia23
14. Darian
15. Juice box (honorable Freehawk)
16. Lusk
17. IWUVBAKON (honorable Freehawk)
18. The penguin
19. Sunwolf (honorable Freehawk)
20. Bubbly5
21. Andrew3042
22. Bodil40
23. Gamer (honorable Freehawk)
24. Jessica
25. Khalfan
26. Wolf1
27. Cyberwolf and Damen (Mentors/Coaches)