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Hi and welcome to...
Bunny: Today I'm here with Starwolf! Tell me, If you could do something for a full day, what would it be?

Starwolf: Either Play Piano All Day Or. SLEEP XD

Bunny: Same, same! Do you like Oldcp better than Newcp or Oldcp better than Newcp?

Starwolf: OLD IS GOLD!

Bunny: DUH YEAH! What company do you prefer? Apple or Windows?

Starwolf: Well Windows but I have a Apple computer....

Bunny: I would choose that too! :D If someone could give you a power, what power would it be?

Starwolf: Hmm Transfiguration

Bunny: Last question, What is your favorite movie?

Starwolf: Hmm probably Godzilla 2014

Bunny: Thanks for reading! Subscribe for more! PM me if YOU want to be interviewed with different questions!