0 subscribers


Hello,everyone! I am Random1134 This is my new channel! i am gonna have a celebration on August 16 at my igloo Time:2:00 Thats all for now Cya! Sincerely,Random1134 P.S. Happy re-opening Oldcp!

Hello,everyone! This is a very great channel!I am having a celebration at my igloo if you subscribed PM me your penguin name! It is the grand opening I am gonna have free popcorn free cake free ice cream and much more! my igloo will be ready tomorrow or today depends on the time well if you have saw me before add me my penguin name is Random1134 also I have parties when its the re-opening of Oldcp!! Well im having a celebration for the grand-opening for my channel! please come!! UK and US are allowed please no cheating on games!! Cya everyone!!


For everyone

P.S.Happy re-opening Oldcp!