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Hello, this is the channel for the Team Gamers in Game of Mods, Game of Knights, or any popular event.

Hello, this is the channel group for the Team Gamers in any Game of Mods, Game of Knights or any event like that. You can contact me any way you can and tell me if you wish to join by PM, Xat, DSGHQ Games, etc. I will leave some contact information below. Anybody can join right now if they wish but if the team gets too full I will set a maximum amount of people being able to join.

Leader: Sundaze
Co-Leader(s): Colin59, Julianhak
You can apply for Co-Leader or I will hire you from a decision. I might just pick some random people if they want to join, but most likely I won't do it that way.

Information: Team Gamers was an old team back in about 2013 for Moderator Competitions. They had a leader before but in the next GOM after that Sundaze jumped in and lead the team Gamers for a couple Moderator Competitions and team Agents.
I hope you consider joining, and if you do join I will be very happy. Thank you! :)

Contact Information to Sundaze: Through forums @Sundaze. Through Skype @Bz780201, or any of the DSGHQ games if you meet me on there.