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Hello! This a new team called Team Topaz which I created. It's a team of equality and teamwork. I am your leader. Angi & ChocoCupcake are your co leaders! I will update stuff every now and then.


Leader: Sampai (me)

Co leader(s): heygirl123, Becky1028

Assistant: Dreamburst

3rd in Command/Helpers: Amandapink30, Dreamburst, Kat0724

Team Artist: Glimmerglam, Smurfsss, Alice5621, 1Alice1

Team Members: Sammeh, Angi, ChocoCupcake, Amandapink30, Sunwolfy, glimmerglam, Thrus, heygirl123, Smurfsss, greenypink8, lily1117, 1Alice1, Dreamburst Kat0427, petey1115, Zendaya0248, Chenny, Mal31, Zesty, AngelSWAG, Annie273, Grounder, more to be added :)

Team photo(s):

^Credits to glimmerglam and 1Alice1 and Alice5621^

The outfit is /outfit topaz
You can only change the hair and face item.

The team base is /jr pookies

How many members on Team Topaz: 18

Motto: Shine bright like a diamond.

We got 2nd at Summer 2015 GOM, we are very powerful and we can win this fall!

That is all! All Topaz members have to subscribe!

-your leader, Sam