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Here you can find our menu and information about The Cookie Shop, and The Cookie Shop ranks.

The Cookie Shop

Terry Berry Blast: A cookie for Terry fans, and berry fans. This cookie has many tropical berries, and it has Terry's face on it. (You can request this cookie in penguin or snail form)

Terry Berry Blast: A cookie for Terry fans, and berry fans. This cookie has many tropical berries, and it has Terry's face on it. (You can request this cookie in penguin or snail form)

Zeternal Eternal Blitz: This cookie contains Golden Chocolate Chips. It also has Zeternal's face on it. And yummy icing. (You can request this cookie in penguin or snail forum)

Infinity Crush: This cookie has an iced-on infinity sign into it and it includes Nutella. Topped off with yummy sprinkles. ~Mistywolf

The Glimmertastic Tart: Includes Nutella, cinnamon, and sparkly sprinkles. ~GlimmerGlam

Gamer-Gaming Cookie: This cookie looks like a game controller. It also is chocolate flavored and has frosting. ~GamerGirl

The Voodoo Cookie: With this cookie you request it to be made of someone. You can order it with magic or no magic. If you order one with magic you eat the person you requested it to be of.

Pretzel Hershy, with M&m cookie: The name of this cookie really speaks for itself. ~Terry91

The Izzy Frizzy Christmas Special: Frosting with tiny bits of candy cane crushes inside! The outside of the cookie is a special ingredient mixed with cookies and cream. ~Izzy

Bold = Cookie of the Month

Rules for Each Rank

(No apron, no nothing) Rank -1 or Banned Cookie
You are banned from the Cookie Shop. You can't set foot in the cookie shop.

No one

(No apron) Rank 0 or Bad Cookie

You can't even make cookies. You have to take care of Glimmer. You can only watch others make cookies.


(Coffee Apron or Green Apron) Rank 1 or Demoted Cookie

You have been demoted from your starting point. All you can do is make cookies.

No one

Cookie Serving Apron or Green Apron with Design) Rank 2 or Cookie Rookie

You can take orders and make cookies.

Light, Yoyo, Ninja, Jezebell, SkittlesCooly89, Sunwolf, Peebles, Dancebear

(Pizza Apron or Red Apron) Rank 3 or Cookie in Training

You are being trained by a Legendare to be a successful member.


(Blacksmith Apron or Brown Apron) Rank 4 or Cookie Member

You can take orders, make cookies, and you can pitch ideas.

Chopper, Lita, Sled, SkylarGal, Rubykitbox

(Goldsmith Apron or Black Apron) Rank 5 or Staff-ish Cookie

You can participate in staff meetings, take orders, make cookies, and you can pitch ideas.


(Ice Cream Vendor or Yellow Apron) Rank 6 or Smart Cookie

You can lead Cookie Comp Practice, participate in staff meetings, take orders, make cookies, and you can pitch ideas.

No one

(Ice Cream Apron or Cyan Apron) Rank 7 or Amazing Cookie

You can now hire people, lead Cookie Comp Practice, participate in staff meetings, take orders, make cookies, and you can pitch ideas.

No one

(Baker's Apron or Blue Apron) Rank 8 or Cookie on Fire

You can open up the Cookie Shop, hire people, lead Cookie Comp Practice, participate in staff meetings, take orders, make cookies, and you can pitch ideas.

No one

(Baker's Apron with Crown or Blue Apron with Crown) Rank 9 or Master Cookie

You can ask to promote people without getting in trouble, open up the Cookie Shop, hire people, lead Cookie Comp Practice, participate in staffmeetings, take orders, make cookies, and you can pitch ideas.

No one

(Armor) Rank 10 Sir Cookie

You are now a cookie knight. You may arrest people, open up the Cookie Shop, hire people, lead Cookie Comp Practice, participate in staff meetings, take orders, make cookies, and you can pitch ideas.

SophieJasper (Cookie Knight Captain), Mico, Alice, Maybe

(Baker's Apron with Crown or Blue Apron with Crown) Rank 11 or Cookie Prince or Princess

You are now a Prince or Princess. You can promote people with permission from two Legendares, open up the Cookie Shop, hire people, lead Cookie Comp Practice, participate in staff meetings, take orders, make cookies, and you can pitch ideas.

Mistywolf, Adawg

(Baker's Apron with Crown or Blue Apron with Crown) Rank 12 or Cookie King or Queen

You are now a King or Queen. You can promote people with permission from one Legendare, open up the Cookie Shop, hire people, lead Cookie Comp Practice, participate in staff meetings, take orders, make cookies, and you can pitch ideas.

Glimmer, Andrew

(Baker's Apron with Crown or Blue Apron with Crown) Rank 13 or Head of Security

You are now Head or Security. You can promote, and demote people but Legendares, and Lords can override that promotion, open up the Cookie Shop, hire people, lead Cookie Comp Practice, participate in staff meetings, take orders, make cookies, arrest people, and you can pitch ideas.


(Baker's Apron with Crown or Blue Apron with Crown) Rank 14 or Emperor or Empress, helper.

You are now a Helper. You can do whatever you want, except stuff that conflicts with an Emperor's or Empresses's rules.

SophieJasper, Saber

(Baker's Apron with Crown or Blue Apron with Crown) Rank 15 or Emperor and Empress

You are now an Emperor or Empress. You can do whatever you want, but may be demoted by a God, or Titan.

Deenie, Bob

(Anything you want to wear) Rank 16 or God.

If a Emperor or Empress retires, they will be reviewed by the titans to see if they are worthy of being a God. They aren't the main shop runners, but can overrule Emperors and Empresses. They can't be demoted, but they can have their powers stripped from them.

Yet to be determined.

(Anything they want to wear.) Rank 17 or Titan or Celestial Being.

This rank is hard to get. Only, creators will get this rank. Or, if one titan decides to leave his or her, rank, to be forever remembered, he or she, will have to choose a God to take their place.

TeamMaybe, Zeternal

Please contact us to tell us where you were in your rank, if you lie you may be demoted all the way down to rank 1.
Sponsored by: The Wizards.