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inspiration to all those feeling down ;)

Hey, this is all about you and how amazing you are in every single way possible! Forget all of those people who break you down they can't see who you really are and who you really are is You when you look in the mirror who do you see? You! and your beautiful in every single way c: don't listen to all those people who bring you down and make you feel bad because you are everything positive and Imperfect but let me tell you something you are never perfect because Nobody is perfect all your imperfections make you You and you are pretty amazing the way you are so don't ever change stay you be you and learn that you are you! Well this concludes the first channel ever made by imperfect me suscribe if you feel a little more better about yourself or if you enjoyed reading this channel or just if you Know you are amazing ~Dominique ~ Stand strong and carry on :)