5th February 2014

Mod Application

Made by Zekrom in Applications

787 posts
Seen 12th March 2014
5th February 2014, 04:54 PM

Hi Admins/Mods/Members I want to apply as a mod

Here are my reasons:

Q: Why I want to be a Mod?

A: I love helping oldcp and I hate being bullied

Q: How am I going to help people?

A: By making sure everyone is treated with respect

Q: What will I do with my Moderator Powers?

A: Ban people (only if they are rude a lot) and make sure everyone is nice

Q: When will I ban?

A: Only when people start being rude and it becomes cyberbullying

Those are most of my reasons I have more but ill tell you on the game
please like/dislike I'm fine with you disliking and this is why I want to be a Moderator
Comment whether ill make a great Moderator or a bad (give a reason)

Bye Oldcp Folks

~Island Keeper


+1 by ForumHelper and Preston

Epic signature by my best bud iceesoda/luke

Epic signature by: Internal
Epic signature by cat warrior "Meow"

Awesome Signature Made By Cat Warrior

142 posts
Seen 11th June 2015
5th February 2014, 05:00 PM

You love helping and have respect, so I think you will be a good mod

225 posts
Seen 7th August 2015
5th February 2014, 06:14 PM

Great application! I hope you get selected for a mod position.

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