9th October 2013, 08:05 PM
Ok, new riddle contest!!! This time, its only ONE riddle!
I'll tell you why
Whoever wins/gets answer correct, will get 200 credits!! XDD
So lets say, 2 people got the answer correct, I will choose by whoever posted first. So if the answer was "hi" and posted by Soanso at 3:30 pm on oct. 16, and sosos posted on the same time, except at 3:31 pm, Soanso wins the 200 credits. So here is the riddle.
A man hijacks an aeroplane transporting both passengers(8 of them) and valuable cargo. After taking the cargo, the man demands nine parachutes, puts one of them on, and jumps, leaving the other eight behind. Why did he want eight?
Reward for correct answer: 200 credits!XDD
Winner: Tacofun
I'll tell you why
Whoever wins/gets answer correct, will get 200 credits!! XDD
So lets say, 2 people got the answer correct, I will choose by whoever posted first. So if the answer was "hi" and posted by Soanso at 3:30 pm on oct. 16, and sosos posted on the same time, except at 3:31 pm, Soanso wins the 200 credits. So here is the riddle.
A man hijacks an aeroplane transporting both passengers(8 of them) and valuable cargo. After taking the cargo, the man demands nine parachutes, puts one of them on, and jumps, leaving the other eight behind. Why did he want eight?
Reward for correct answer: 200 credits!XDD
Winner: Tacofun
Your friend,
If you want a signature, tell me! I will make you one right away!
Describe how you want it though!
But make sure all credit goes to me!
I also do profile pic studio and helping studio!
If you want a signature, tell me! I will make you one right away!
Describe how you want it though!
But make sure all credit goes to me!
I also do profile pic studio and helping studio!
Best friends
May23monthly and Sadie