21st February 2014

Friends Against Friends SEQUEL!

Made by Mycroft in Arts

Hopes And Dreams
757 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
21st February 2014, 11:24 PM

----Chapter 1 ----
Sadie walks through the dark forest... She lost her friend, Percy, in the misty trees. She spends hours doing nothing, not noticing she's just walking around in circles. Then, she hears the crunching of leaves behind her- who is it? She quickly turns around and points her gun at the shadowy figure. "Whoa Sadie, what's your problem?!" Exclaims Percy. "Oh, sorry Percy." Sadie says as she puts her gun down. "At least you didn't murder me." Says Percy in a quiet tone. "Anyways, we need to get going. There could be people around." They look in different directions trying to find a place to go.
"How about over here?" Says Sadie.
"No, over here." Says Percy.
"Over here!" Says Sadie, her voice getting a bit louder.
They start walking into the fog. Then, once again, hear someone walking behind them. "WHO IS THAT?!" Says Percy. Sadie quickly grabs a gun and... shoots. "Oh gosh..." Says Sadie quietly. "What?" Says Percy. "I think that was Anna."
----Chapter 2----
"This is bad... Anna was the only person left on our side."
"You know her name is Smosh, right?"
"Yeah, but I call her Anna. And she changes her name a lot anyway."
"Well, what are we gonna do now?"
"Umm... run?"
"Why would you say that?"
"Because a Blackhawk is behind you."
"Uh, I think it's Dice. Now we need to stop having a conversation and RUN!"
"Whoa, wait, wasn't Dice married to Anna?"
"I don't know, that doesn't matter right now. RUN."
"I've been listening to your entire conversation." Says Dice.
"This is why you don't have converstations when someone is going to kill you." Says Percy.
"Oh, I wasn't going to kill you, until now. You killed Anna." Says Dice.
"WAIT!" Says Littlemix.
"What?" Says Dice, looking at Little a bit angrily.
"Oh, I forgot about you, sorry Little!" Says Sadie trying not to smile.
Littlemix glances at Sadie, then looks back at Dice. "Why are you married to a Kingdom Citizen if you're a blackhawk?"
Dice stands there with a blank expression. "Uh, long story. Anyway, I guess I'll kill you now?"
"I wish you wouldn't..." Says Sadie quietly.
"Too late, Mrs. Positive Queen." Says Dice.
"NO!" Screams Littlemix.
Littlemix grabs Sadie's gun and shoots Dice.
"Ow, hey guys!" Says Anna.
"Uh, why is there blood on the ground?"
Anna looks at Dice.
"." Anna stands there...
"...Really?" Says Anna, looking at the 3 of them.
----Chapter 3 ----
"Oh, uhh... hey, Anna." Says Sadie, sort of waving her hand.
"Why did you kill him?!" Exclaims Anna.
"I'm sorry!" Says Little "He was trying to kill Sadie!"
"Well, that explains that, but there was no reason to!"
"He's a Blackhawk. He would've killed you sooner or later."
"What makes you think that?"
"Hmm...you have a point."
"Geez, what was that for?!" Says Dice.
"Wait how are you not dead?" Says Little
"Psh, no one is gonna die this early in the series." Says Dice. "Anyway, I'm gonna kill you eventually." Says Dice smiling. :)
"How could you smile at a time like this?" Says Little.
"Uhh, Idk?" Says Dice in a questioning voice.
"Anyway, how can you live with three bullet holes in your head?" Asks Little
"Once again, it is early in the series, no one is going to die yet!" Says Dice.
"Why are you talking about this like it's a book?" Asks Anna
"Uhh, no reason..." Says Dice. "And, I'll prove to you no one is going to die." Dice stabs Little.
...She lays there, lifeless.
"Oh God..." Mumbles Dice.
----Chapter 4 ----
"Okay, this is getting outragous." Says Percy.
"Dice you didn't know that was chapter 3?!" Says Sadie
"Guys no one talks about a story likes this-... Oh thanks, now you have me doing it." Says Anna
"Just get back on topic." Says Percy.
"Uh, what was the topic?" Asks Dice
"Well, let's just say, you killed Littlemix?" Says Anna
"Aha, nah, I'm okay :3 " Says Littlemix
"Excuse me, Dice, why are you over here?" Asks a shadowy figure in the distance.
"Uh, guys, I suggest you go hide, like right now." Whispered Dice.
The figure moved closer. It was.... Harry.
"Harry?!" Exclaims Little.
"I've been watching you guys since Chapter 1."
"What if it is?" Says Harry.
"...You have a point..." Says Anna.
"Seriously, there's a murderer in front of us, and we're having a conversation with him. Is that a great idea?!" Exclaims Percy
"No, not really." Says Anna.
"Oh, and, it's that point where people can die... so... sweet dreams, Anna." Says Harry.
Then... everything went black for Anna.
----Chapter 5 ----
"That's my job, Percy." Says Harry.
"... And was mine, too." Says Sadie.
"LOL no!" Laughs Sadie. "You fools are so gullible!"
All of the sudden, Sadie passes out. And walks out is... Tornado.
"Whoa where did you come from?!" Asks Percy.
"I really have no idea." Says Tornado, then glances at Harry. "You kill my best friend, I kill you."
"Not so fast." Says Harry, then stabs Tornado.
"Well, that escalated quickly..." Says Percy.
"LOL I'm not dead yet. I just got here!"
----Chapter 6----
"Eh, fine." Says Harry.
"How's it going bros?" Says a penguin, no, a human?!
"Whaa?" Says Harry.
"My name is... PewDiePie." Says Felix Kjellberg.
"Dude, go back to YouTube." Says Percy.
"Okay.... :( " Says Felix Kjellberg
"This story is getting weird."
"Yeah... even though I don't know what happened though." Says Sadie, getting her conciousness back.
"Uh, nothing." Says Harry
"Next someone is going to come in eating waffles. Or maybe someone from another channel." Says Tornado.
"Hey, uh, Where did Dice go?" Asks Sadie
"I don't know..." Says Harry.
"Sup guys." Says Chopper.
"Seriously, what is with people randomly appearing?" Asks Percy.
----Chapter 7----
"Guys we need to get a move on." Says Percy.
"I need to go with you, along with Sadie, I need to talk to the Mighty Damen." Says Harry.
"Well, let's go." Says Tornado.
The gang leaves, all except one, which is Harry.
"Oh God... whaa?" Mumbles Anna, still lying on the ground, barely concious.
"You're coming with me." Says Harry.
"Wha... where? I'm not going with you." Mumbles Anna
"Oh, of course you are!" Says Harry, then kicks Anna in the head, making her unconcious again.
Harry drags her to a secret lair.
And then... (cliffhanger LOL)
----Chapter 8----
Meanwhile, with the gang, they are walking in the forest trying to find the Mighty Damen, and then... Dice comes out... eating waffles?
"Dude! Where did you go?!" Asks Sadie
"Lol, I went to find my 2 brothers, Dinic and Dragou. Dragou has a waffle shooter :3" Says Dice, eating waffles along with Dragou.
"Delicous :3" Says Dragou
"Hi :3" Says Dinic
"Well, let's move on. We don't want to lose another person, we already lost Anna. Wait...- where is Harry?"
"Ain't nobody got time for dat!" Says Percy.
Everyone glances at him.
"What?" Questions Percy
"Wait... is that someone in the distance?" Asks Sadie
"Hello once again Audience." Says Toby Turner.
"Seriously?" Asks Percy. "Tobuscus?"
"Dude, go back to YouTube. Felix already came."
"Fine. Outro of Darkness then Redness then Whiteness." Says Toby as he leaves.
"You know Anna would be freaking out right now because she Loves Tobuscus." Says Sadie
(Back with Anna & Harry)
"WAKE UP!" Exclaims Harry, slapping Anna.
"Ow! GOD!" Says Anna. "Why am I tied up?"
"Listen." Says Harry. "You will help me kill Damen, or else."
"Or else what?"
"I shoot Dice."
"NO!" Exclaims Anna.
"You are a blackhawk, now, missy. And... DON'T ARGUE WITH ME." Says Harry, slapping Anna again.
----Chapter 9----
"Please, no.." Says Anna.
"You have no choice now."
"Why are you doing this?!"
"Because I can, missy."
"Stop calling me missy."
"No." Harry slaps Anna
"Omg would you stop slapping me?"
"Haha, no." Says Harry, and slaps her again.
"Stop hurting her!" Exclaims Dice, slamming the door open.
"Pfft, what are you gonna do? I'm your leader!"
"Oh, not anymore. I want my life back."
"Hm, you can't leave."
"How come? It's my decision."
"Lol, I'll shoot her...-for the 3rd time."
"Would you give it up already? You're not gonna force anyone to do anything."
"I can do anything."
"Psh, you wouldn't dare hurt a girl."
"Oh really?"
"Whatever you say." Says Harry, tasing Anna.
"Omg just stop!"
"No. It's your turn."
"What? What do you-" Dice passed out.
----Chapter 10----
Dinic and Dragou barge in.
"Hold the phone!" Says Dinic. "Uh, OK?" Says Dragou, holding Dinic's cellphone.
"What do you little children want?" Says Harry
"Dude, it's not cool to tase my brother and his wife."
"Lol it's pretty funny to me."
"You're sick."
"Nope, I feel pretty good."
Dinic facepalms.
"Just let me take them, heal them, and everything will be fine."
"Hah, no. You're not going anywhere."
"You're not either."
Dragou and Dinic tackle Harry, knocking him out.
They untie Anna and put her in a wheelbarrow.
"Dude, don't you have anything better? That could hurt them!"
"Dude. Penguins can't drive."
"Oh yeah."
Then, they put Dice in the wheelbarrow.
They take Dice and Anna back to the Kingdom, and heal them.
----Chapter 11----
"Ow..." Says Anna, unable to say anything more.
"Anna, are you OK?" Asks Dice
"I think so." Says Anna
"Dice, weren't you unconcious, too?" Asks Dinic
"Yeah, but I woke up. Why was I in a wheelbarrow?"
"Once again, Penguins can't drive."
"Oh yeah."
"So, uh, what happened while I was unconcious...3 times?" Asks Anna
"Well, uh, PewDiePie and Tobuscus came and-"
"OMG!" Exclaims Anna
"Yeah, pretty exciting, even though I don't know them."
"I hope Ian & Anthony come next :3"
"Once again, don't know them."
"Oh and, Chopper came, too."
"What's with all the random people coming?"
"I don't know, but we found Music."
"Hi." Says Music
"Hello." Says Anna.
Anna keeps looking at the window, like she sees something.
"Anna, is there something wrong?" Asks Dice
"Killar kör!" Exclaims Anna.
"What?!" Asks Dice. "I don't understand Swedish!"
"Kör bara!" Exclaims Anna
"She said run!" Says Music
They didn't know Harry was at the window, but it was too late.
----Chapter 12----
"I've got you now!" Exclaims Harry
"Oh, not so fast!" Said Tornado, throwing a buffalo wing at Harry's face.
"OH GOD! That's spicy!" Said Harry as his face was burning.
"What?" Asked Tornado. "They taste good..."
"Hon räddade oss!" Exclaimed Anna
"Okay, would you stop speaking Swedish now?" Asked Dice.
"Fine." Says Anna.
"Uh, what did she say, anyway?" Asked Music
"I thought you would know." Said Dice.
"No, I just said 'run' because you guys weren't paying attention to the window."
"That's what I said though." Said Anna
"Nailed it." Says Music, smiling. :)
----Chapter 13---- FINAL CHAPTER!
"Alright, this is getting out of hand." Says Anna
"This is starting to make no sense." Says Dice
"Eh, doesn't really matter to me." Says Tornado.
Harry sneaks up behind Dice with a gun.
"That's not happening." Says Elsa, freezing Harry
"What's with random people.... nevermind." Says Anna
"I kinda like it when random people come" ^_^ Says Sadie
"Imma go now..." Says Anna.
"I'm coming with you. See ya guys." Says Dice
Friend VS Friends =-SEQUEL-=
Anna's POV:
After Dice and I went home, things got weirder. In fact, I haven't seen Harry, Tornado, or even Sadie in days. Dice started acting a bit weirder, too. It's like something changed about this place. It's not normal...

Tornado's point of view:
I seriously didn't think throwing hot wings at Harry would work. I just happened to be eating them at the time. I think I was just lucky :P

Harry's POV:
Ow... that hot wing really hurt though!
I can't stand those things... can't she just settle for muffins?
To the real story
"Hey Dice" Says Anna
"What's up?" Says Dice
"Nothing much." Says Anna. "How come we're not married anymore?"
"Well, I got hacked and you broke up with me, so I'd rather not risk it." Says Dice. "Got it. Now, let's actually go do something instead of boring the readers." Says Anna, running straight for the door.
"Do we have to go now? I mean, after what happened... you getting tased, shot, knocked out 3 or 4 times..." Dice says.
"I don't really care. Let's just do something! Ooh, I have an idea! Let's go kick Harry's butt!" Says Anna. She runs out the door, before Dice could say a word regarding staying home.

+1 by avax
Carry on, my wayward son.

1,004 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
22nd February 2014, 12:02 AM

Okay I didn't read it but it looks long enough +1 and did u add me in the story? I kinda just glanced at it

Sadie was here, 12/27/2018. I love you, have a lovely day. <3
Sadie was here, 1/4/2020. Happy New Year, my love. I'm so thankful I can spend another year with you. <3
Scott was here 3/21/2020. We did it! <3
Scott was here 1/5/2021. We made it through 2020! I’m so thank you spend another year with you. <3

Hopes And Dreams
757 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
22nd February 2014, 12:03 AM

Okay I didn't read it but it looks long enough +1 and did u add me in the story? I kinda just glanced at it
I made this story last year... Lol. And I added a part with Elsa in it XD

+1 by avax
Carry on, my wayward son.

1,004 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
22nd February 2014, 12:05 AM

Okay I didn't read it but it looks long enough +1 and did u add me in the story? I kinda just glanced at it
I made this story last year... Lol. And I added a part with Elsa in it XD
Cool :). Maybe i'll read it so I can sleep. Jk! It looks interesting. I will read it now :)!

Sadie was here, 12/27/2018. I love you, have a lovely day. <3
Sadie was here, 1/4/2020. Happy New Year, my love. I'm so thankful I can spend another year with you. <3
Scott was here 3/21/2020. We did it! <3
Scott was here 1/5/2021. We made it through 2020! I’m so thank you spend another year with you. <3

311 posts
Seen 2nd October 2022
22nd February 2014, 12:06 AM

Hilarous, I am gonna make something like this, thank you for inspiring me!

+1 by Mycroft
-Greenguy100 (awesomeness)
Awesome fire Greenguy signature made by me!

Another epic signature by me!

AWESOME signature made by Sadie! Woot!
Me in Minecraft. Made by me!

Me as an anime dood. I also have a swagilicious sword.

2,706 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd February 2014, 12:10 AM

Too long. I read this in 1 hour and 9 minutes

Hopes And Dreams
757 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
22nd February 2014, 12:16 AM

Too long. I read this in 1 hour and 9 minutes
I read it in 10 minutes... it's not that long.

Carry on, my wayward son.

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