23rd March 2014
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Forum Moderator Application

Made by Rawr in Applications

2,442 posts
Seen 26th February 2019
23rd March 2014, 07:13 PM

Forum Moderator Application


Hello penguins, moderators, and administrators! Welcome to my Forum Moderator application!
For the people who may not know me, i am Rawr. I play OldCP, and i am an experienced player.
I have deep respect for Administrators, and moderators.
I am a very mature person, i am a boy .(if you havent noticed)


Recently i have been posting helpful posts, for example, A Tutorial, Rules, and Ranks.
And within these posts i have earned a good reputation! And lots of happpy users.
I am also a respectful player, and i never got banned here on the forums, or OldCP.
I never post, or posted, any rude things against others aswell.


1. I like to help out Newer Users and older users.
2. Iv been making some helpful posts to for others. (and myself.)
3. Im an experienced user, here on the Forums and have never been warned.
4. Im a player who follows rules, and has never broken one before here on The Forums or OldCP.
5. I have helped many players, and they seemed to be happy.


I know that if someone does something wrong, i give them a warning. If they do not stop, i kick them. if they do it 2 more times, it equals a Ban.

Other Stuff:

I do not want to become a Moderator for the powers. I want to keep the forums, and OldCP as safe as it can be. As a moderator, it is a HUGE responsability, and i know that.
I know there may be times of stress, or getting mad, but it can still work out i guess!
Thank you for reading this Moderators, Administrators and other ranks! I hope i can be supported and get my Job!

Thank you,

+1 by Starwolf and Bailey

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
23rd March 2014, 07:25 PM

Very Good Applcation! I had To Like I Would Give This A. A- Or A You Can Read My Appclation For Fourm Mod! ~Star~

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