22nd April 2014
my message to my penguins
22nd April 2014, 04:35 PM
Hi guys, Once i had a weird dream when Damen said to make a long helpful post. i decided to make one. so this is what i will say... Hello, Penguins! That thing that i said was kinda weird..... but today i will help. This is for The assistant emperor and Damen. so if you hate this, leave. I was confused who won in the battle. don't you think clegane cheated? Now she is known as Scarlet, and now kept a secret. You guys, i wanted to be in battle. i ACTUALLY wanted clegane to win! yes, i know she was one a turncoat.... but she seems nice. It was nice to let 4 people to battle. or was it 3? I don't know. You may dislike this if you want... i don't mind.... but you guys just buy some pikachus off of ebay! Bye! ~Mr.Pikachu X3
the catagory was shows beacause its about a show.
the catagory was shows beacause its about a show.
[img=http://img-s3-01.mytextgraphics.com/sparklee/2014/12/15/83c5042881db08417d412c67e80db693.gif] hhttp://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/20141029/5130514/foxy-jumpscare-o.gifttp://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/20141029/5130514/foxy-jumpscare-o.gif
heyyyyy!! Friends: Everyone but Clegane, Rover http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/zimwiki/images/d/d2/Girdog.png/revision/latest?cb=20080313164837
heyyyyy!! Friends: Everyone but Clegane, Rover http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/zimwiki/images/d/d2/Girdog.png/revision/latest?cb=20080313164837
2,580 posts
Seen 11th November 2019
22nd April 2014, 04:43 PM
Clegane DID cheat, and Damen knows. I have photographical proof, and I saw him saying something in a video that gave me proof, which led him to go on a killing spree...
1,119 posts
Seen 27th August 2023
22nd April 2014, 04:46 PM
Clegane didn't cheat. I watched Mrlion's YouTube video and I didn't see Clegane get shot or what ever. All I saw that Clegane was nearly shot. But she wasn't shot. Also penguins started saying "Syrio shot Tennis." During the battle. Syrio did have a gun. Yet. The gun didn't go off.
Me,myself,and I.
Thanks drakee
Thanks drakee
2,580 posts
Seen 11th November 2019
22nd April 2014, 04:47 PM
Clegane didn't cheat. I watched Mrlion's YouTube video and I didn't see Clegane get shot or what ever. All I saw that Clegane was nearly shot. But she wasn't shot. Also penguins started saying "Syrio shot Tennis." During the battle. Syrio did have a gun. Yet. The gun didn't go off.
1,119 posts
Seen 27th August 2023
22nd April 2014, 04:48 PM
Clegane DID cheat, and Damen knows. I have photographical proof, and I saw him saying something in a video that gave me proof, which led him to go on a killing spree...
Me,myself,and I.
Thanks drakee
Thanks drakee
1,119 posts
Seen 27th August 2023
22nd April 2014, 05:08 PM
Clegane didn't cheat. I watched Mrlion's YouTube video and I didn't see Clegane get shot or what ever. All I saw that Clegane was nearly shot. But she wasn't shot. Also penguins started saying "Syrio shot Tennis." During the battle. Syrio did have a gun. Yet. The gun didn't go off.
Me,myself,and I.
Thanks drakee
Thanks drakee
1,119 posts
Seen 27th August 2023
22nd April 2014, 05:27 PM
Clegane didn't cheat. I watched Mrlion's YouTube video and I didn't see Clegane get shot or what ever. All I saw that Clegane was nearly shot. But she wasn't shot. Also penguins started saying "Syrio shot Tennis." During the battle. Syrio did have a gun. Yet. The gun didn't go off.
Me,myself,and I.
Thanks drakee
Thanks drakee
2,048 posts
Seen 28th August 2023
22nd April 2014, 05:49 PM
I saw the tournament syrio had shot tennis and clegane claimed to be winner but he seemed to have cheated getting syrio to shoot Tennis was a bad idea syrio must be a spy and blew his cover. He forgot to rejoin in order to hide his firearm. I would compeat butni was still gone on that day I would of showed clegane and risked my life to save tennis from being shot by syrio